12 || The Rat's Candlelight

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She can feel the tension rising within her, swelling into pure anger. Indigo desperately wanted to step out of the darkness and take the Brothers and Splinter by surprise with a clean swipe of her tanto. The red tint that is blinding her with pure fury is not dimming at all and she is hungry for power and absolute authority just like how Shredder has power over the Foot Clan. 

All she needed to do was execute these mutants and she will have her freedom in the city. She will have freedom with her sister and the rest of her Foot Clan family and Shredder. Then, only then will she be seen as more than just a young teenage girl. 

Violetta-Indigo's breathing is becoming very labored, so difficult for her to draw a breath that she begins to feel like she is gasping for air. She is resisting, and she is feeling the need to accomplish this mission. She doesn't know which one is going to win. The good or the bad inside her heart. All of her life she was taught nothing but bad. At the same time she loves her family but she also feels remorse for the very first time without even having to touch the Brothers with a blade.

She aimed her eyes down at the weapon in her hand and brought it upon her other left palm to stare at her reflection and its beautifully clean and smooth surface. For the first time in a very long time, as a young adult who is trying to figure herself out, she sees herself as a monster. Not as the ninja she was meant to be for Shredder. She doesn't understand what she is doing. How could she do this to a family that is happy, that is loving, and amusing? How could she take that happiness away? If she takes away their lives, how does she know that Shredder will keep his promise? What if Violetta took these mutants' lives and she still got nothing from this mission? 

After a few deep breaths, the red tint faded away and she saw color. Indie holstered her tanto and hid it inside her coat so she could walk freely into the lair without drawing suspicion. She conquered her urges. When she entered the mutant home, her eyes caught sight of the Brothers cleaning up the kitchen table and migrating to the living room to start a round of Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch.

Indie didn't realize while she was having a personal moment in the sewer tunnels that her eyes were stinging with guilt and her cheeks were puffy. Quickly, she rubbed the tears from her eyes, feeling weak and vulnerable for even shedding a tear.

While she was trying to gather herself in the atmosphere of the lair, a much happier place than being in the dark sewer tunnel, she looked up at the Brothers and Splinter and noticed something that she had never seen before. Well, she has seen this before... but she has never seen it this way. The way they interacted with each other, the way they made kind gestures, their choice of words, and their expressions told her that this is what a family is supposed to be like. They're supposed to be loved unconditionally and she never got that. Ever.

As Vi approached the mutants in the living room, Mikey caught sight of her and his grin went from wide to awkward. He glances at his brother, Donnie, and gestures his eyes toward the girl standing behind them.

"Indigo." Donnie said, his voice lightly shaky after seeing her as well. His chest was wanting to burst from the anxiety he was experiencing but he remained calm. "How was your...walk?"

She doesn't answer. Leonardo gave her a break and spoke out to her. "Hey, did you find anything while you were out?"

Indie remembers the interaction she had with her sister at the docks. That was something she definitely didn't want to talk about. When Rory threatened to hurt her, it made her think differently about her life and how she was raised. Just having a simple few moments with these brothers made her realize the good inside her that is aching to be released. Observing their happiness made her want to have it, too. "Nothing." She replied. "No vigilantes, no...nothing." She says, her eyes still visible with hot tears.

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