SFW; Eve meets Nachurii

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Evelyn walked the streets of the Eliksni Quarter, the afternoon sun bearing down on her metal head. She would occasionally see a glint of light against a shop front or against the ground, even more occasionally blinding a passer-by. She planted her right hand on her head to minimize the glare, but she then scanned the shops for someone, anyone, selling a hat. She'd eventually spot an Eliksni hangning out some Golden Age hats outside their shop, a Titan in dark armor already waiting at the storefront. Eve began a brisk jog to the shop and waited in line behind the Titan... She would stare at him a moment before holding up her right wrist, displaying a hologram that she would swipe and push the buttons of until she found a picture of the Titan;

Dredgen Chasm, wanted for 8 counts of assault and possession of restricted materials.

She let out a harsh sigh and straightened her posture before speaking.

Eve; "... Excuse me. Titan."

The Titan turned around, their sapphire Awoken eyes shining in their shadow.

Titan; "What do you want?"

Eve; "What do you know about hoarding Hive ichor?"

Titan; "Why do you wanna know? You a cop or something?"

Eve; "... Yes. Chief of Security Evelyn-7. You're under arrest for-"

She was cut off by the Titan swiftly raising their fist and punching Evelyn in the face. Contained in the Titans' fist was a suppressor grenade, which stunned Eve and prevented her from using her powers. Before she could draw her weapon, the Titan drew his own, a Thorn reproduction, and fired at her abdomen, making her buckle and keel over from the pain. The Titan summoned their Sparrow and sped off as the crowd of Eliksni and Humans ran in a panic away from the assailant. Eve groaned and shuddered as she laid a hand on the Thorn bullet from her right side, watching the Alkahest pour out from the wound like emptying a car of oil. She staggered to her feet to see the Eliksni shop owner coming out to her, supporting her with his two left arms from the front.

Eliksni; "You're hurt. Let Nachurii help you."

Eve; "I'll be fine... I just need to find my ghost."

She spoke between gasps and grunts of pain, the edges of the wound burning with Soulfire poison.

Eliksni; "Nachurii is healer, she will make it better."

Eve nearly fell over again and let out a sigh, her hands over the wound, her voice getting a bit weaker.

Eve; "... I guess I'm not really... In a position to argue."

She'd let the Eliksni lead her down the road to a small camp, the banner of House Light flying proudly over the open tent.

Eliksni; "Master Healer! Need help! Exo hurt!"

Evelyn would look up to see a Captain-sized Eliksni, about eight foot, step out of the tent. She wore a poncho of deep blue outlined with white and red, the House Light symbol predominant in the center of her torso. Her chitin was an off-white, eyes a brilliant pink like rare diamonds, all accompanying flowing blonde hair that came down the right side of her face to her shoulder. She would huff to blow some of the hair out her face before gasping in shock at the damaged Exo.

Nachurii; "Get her over here, quickly! Someone get me some Alkahest, we're gonna do a transfusion!"

The Healer would jog out of the tent to help the Eliksni get Eve under the tent. Evelyn woozily let them handle her frame, only able to take notice that the healer had no claws on her fingers. She was laid down on a bed as a light came on overhead.

Nachurii; "Ok... Exo, what's your name?"

Evelyn responded weakly, barely having the strength to move her head.

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