SFW; Eve and Yates

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Far within the Clovis Bray Exoscience, a Warlock stood before an Exo body on a gurney, examining the eyes with a flashlight Said warlock was dressed in white Deep Stone Crypt robes with thick green gloves, a golden Clovis Bray long rifle on his back, bearing hair the same marble white on his head. He glanced behind himself to see a Cryptolith of Xivu Araths brood. It was discolored and shriveled, still withering away as flakes of it were floating to the ground. He turned his attention back to the Exo and raised an eyebrow when he spotted a box on a workstation... with the Vanguard logo, a neat purple ribbon on top, tied in a bow.

He narrowed his eyes and slow,y but steadily pulled the rifle off his back, holding it in one hand while setting the flashlight down, keeping his other hand free. Soon, he'd spot another Warlock wander in and set down another identical box, donned in a leather jacket and purple sweater, a helmet with a lone antenna on the right side. Swiftly, the scientist shot a bolt of Stasis at the violet Warlock, whom stepped into the Weave to avoid the dark blast. It went right through her, and she raised her hands in surrender, barely visible in a shroud of Strand.

Scientist; "Who are you, how did you get past the security Frames?"

The Warlock chuckled, her voice distorted from being partially in the Weave.

Warlock; "I'm a Warlock..."

When she came out of the Weave, her helmet unlocked and unwrapped from around her head, revealing herself to be the Exo Evelyn-7, her antennae extending from the sides of her head.

Eve; "And I'm a Warlock."

The scientist let out a low, digusted grunt, taking the rifle in both hands but not taking aim.

Scientist; "Chief of Security... Heh, what? Here to arrest me?"

Eve gestured to the two boxes, bearing a smile on her faceplate.

Eve; "I come bearing gifts, Dr. Faraday. I'm not here as an officer of the law."

He frowned and slowly neared the boxes, thumbing the safety on his rifle and mounting it on his back.
Scientist; "Must you be so formal?"

Eve chuckled as she lowered her hands, clasping them together in front of her waist.

Eve; "If I wanted to be formal, I'd be calling you Dr. Yates Faraday of Bray Exoscience."

He rolled his eyes and pinched the ribbon of one of the boxes, pulling on it and undoing the bow. The box unfolded to reveal a six-pack of soda bottles, red in coloration, making Yates grow a small smile on his face, briefly... Until his gaze returned to Evelyn, at which point it returned to a neutral expression, with a raised eyebrow.

Yates; "Strawberry soda?"

Eve shrugged with a grin, letting her hands hang at her sides.

Eve; "It was either that or vodka... And I don't drink anymore."

Yates let out a huff of amusement, taking out one of the bottles and opening it with twist of the cap. Evelyn picked out a bottle herself, but didn't open it just yet. She took a moment to think, carefully considering her words before looking to Yates, her smile dropping a little.

Eve; "So... I'll admit, I wasn't entirely truthful."

Yates was about to touch the bottle to his lips, before bringing it back to the desk with a scowl, speaking through a sigh.

Yates; "I should've known this was too good to be true. What is it?"

He asked the question whilst planting a fist on his hip. Eve, meanwhile, undid the ribbon bow on the other box to reveal a briefcase with the RUIN logo on it. Evelyn spoke as she opened it up.

Eve; "I told you I didn't come here as an officer of the law... That's true. I'm here as a woman looking to make sure I have no regrets."

Yates looked at her curiously, narrowing his eyes, his tone a touch sarcastic.

Yates; "I... Don't know if you've forgotten, Evelyn, but we're both Lightbearers; we don't die from natural causes, especially not the likes of you. Not because you're an Exo, but you Vanguard types don't leave the Tower enough to get any lowly disease,"

Eve shook her head, taking a deep breath before speaking.
Eve; "I'm really dying, doc; I got uh... a Tormentor I'm sharing a brain space with... Except he's pushing all my brain stuff out and overwriting it with his. It goes on long enough, we'll both be dead and gone, and my Ghost won't have anything to resurrect."

Yates stared at her a moment in disbelief, licking his lips before shrugging and going to take a sip of his soda.

Yates; "That's... The danger of working with the Vanguard, I suppose. Never heard of a Dredgen dying that way, now have you?"

Eve shook her head with a small chuckle.

Eve; "I suppose not... But I wanna offer you a deal."

She lifted the lid on the briefcase to reveal a trio of stacks of paper, stamped with a purple wax seal each.

Eve; "You see, I remember you getting connected to the HELMs computer network via one of our escapades a few years back. You also managed to get connected to RUINs mainframe."

Yates smirked, leaning against the desk as he held his bottle.

Yates; "I'm rather proud of getting into the mainframe there; best coding job I've done in years."

Eves expression became a little more serious, also leaning against the desk.

Eve; "What I have with me is my own personal research into Tormentors; something I'm sure you've never had to deal with here at all, if not sparingly."

Yates shrugged his shoulders, outstretching one arm as he did so.

Yates; "I've certainly heard of them; never got to actually see any of the ugly bastards."

Evelyn gestured to the stacks of paper.

Eve; "These aren't in any files in RUINs mainframe, or even in the Hiddens records; this is all my own, never seen by anyone else, and I'm offering it to you, in exchange for severing your remote link to the HELM and RUIN HQ."

Yates pursed his lips in thought, bringing a hand to his chin, looking down and taking a deep inhale.

Yates; "Huh... You drive a hard bargain, Evelyn."

He continued thinking a moment before his eyes widened with epiphany, looking back to her with a sly grin.
Yates; "How about this? I'll accept your terms, and I'll sweeten the deal and have what you currently have of your Exo mind backed up in Eternity... But, I get access to the Good Boy Protocol."

Evelyn narrowed her eyes, more perplexed than anything else, finally opening her bottle with a twist of the cap.

Eve; "... The dog? Archie?"

Yates smirked, taking another sip of his soda.

Yates; "He can access any computer remotely, and I can see and hear everything he can... I need only direct him. It's not 24/7 access to everything, but it'll be good enough for my purposes."

Eve let out a long exhale, nodding her head a little.

Eve; "I suppose... He's not allowed on RUIN premises, it'd be a Vanguard problem. Depending on whether or not we can take out the Witness, it won't really be my problem either."

Yates laughed to himself, taking one last sip of his soda before holding up the bottle.

Yates; "Sounds like a deal to me. To science, hm?"

Eves eyes lingered on the bottle, a somber smile growing on her face as she toasted her bottle to his, finally taking a drink.

Eve; "To science... And a life well lived."

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