New Old Start Pt.2

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"Not a real answer." 

"I've gone by many names, but you may call me purple guy." 

"Ok purple guy, what do you mean you can make my dreams come true?" 

"I can bring them back." 


"Wow, there's a reason they call you dumbass Denji." 


"Anyways, I can bring all of them back to life." 

"Wait what.?." 

"Shocking, isn't it?" 

"You insult me, then drop this bomb on me!? What kind of f#cked up sh!t is this!?" 

"Denji listen to me, I want to help you." 

"But why?" 

"For 3 reasons. 1, you are powerful. 2, you are useful. 3, you need this." 

"No I do-" 

"Yes you do. Think about it." 

Denji thought about it. He had been in a slump lately. All his new friends were fine, but didn't cover all the holes in him. It was the same with his old friends. Maybe if they all connected, he would be filled. 

"Fine, but what's the catch?" 

"How did you know about a catch?" 

"There's always one when dealing with a devil." 

"Denji, I believe you're mistaken." 

"Why's that?" 

"I am no devil." 

"Then what are you?" 

"All is due time, but let's get back to the point." 


"The catch is when I call you, you must obey my every word." 

"What!? Hell no! Why would I do that!?" 

"If you don't, everyone that you know alive and brought back will be slowly killed in front of your eyes. Then after I dispose of them, I will kill you the same way. Slow and painful." 

"Damn you're stupid. I can't die!" 

"You can die." 


"There are 3 ways to kill you: 1, destroy every part of you. 2, take out your heart and destroy it, killing you. 3, take away your chainsaw power, reduce you to that pathetic human self, and kill you as a full fledged human." 

"Well, I can kill you!" 

"No you can't." 

"Why not!?" 

"Because I am in fact immortal." 


"I have been reduced to ashes more than you can count! Denji know these words, I always come back." 


"Now, if you accept, I will spare you and all your loved ones. Do we have a deal?" 

"W-we do." Denji felt like this was his only choice. While the thing was creepy, he could help him out. 

"Good, let's shake on it." The two shaked. "Now there are instructions I need you to follow."


"You found Power, correct?" 


"You must reach her in an unconventional way." 

"Ok...what does that mean?" 

"You must use something from the heart." 


"After reaching her, bring her to your place and call my name. Then I will bring the rest back." 

"What if they die?" 

"Don't worry, all will be fine in the end." 


"I will see you again Denji." 

"See ya purple guy." In an instant, the man disappeared. "First sleep, then find Power." Denji was then on his way. 


"He will be of great use later on." The thing said to itself. It sat in a throne, looking at multiple portals. "The chainsaw will be one of my greatest servants." 

Looks like this new entity is in another book of mine. just greaaaat.

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