Final Battle

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"Help kill me, how? Everyone here is in a fight or is down for the count. How can you stop me?" 



Nayuta then shot a chain through the time devil's face! She the launches him through a building. 

"Like I said, c-" She was interrupted by a hour hand blade cutting into her arm. 

"You...shall...perish!" Yelled time as he reversed time on his face to heal the wound. 

"Bring it." 

"Yes." Said a returning Makima. 

"Two control devils for the price of one, I like that." Then they all clashed. 


Denji could only watch what was going on. Being impaled and not having any extra blood really slowed him down. He could only watch the battles going on. He looked on as his friends and foes fought the current enemy, and saw Power in her hiding spot. Something about Power made him feel different. 

"Sh!t...if I don't fight...I might not see...Power again...or see my kid...why did!t happen to me?" Asked Denji to no one. 

"I can help." Said a very familiar voice. 

Denji turned his head to see the man, or whatever it was, kneeling behind him. 

"Purple guy? Why are you here?" 

"To make a deal." 

"Kind of busy." 

"This can help." 

"What's the deal?" 

"I'll give you back that super devil form you once had, with full control and such. In exchange when I call upon your help, you shall bring your child along." 

Denji thought about this. That form gave him great power, enough to stop the time devil. The question was, why did purple guy want him to bring his kid when the time came? Then his words came to his head. 

If you don't, everyone that you know alive and brought back will be slowly killed in front of your eyes. Then after I dispose of them, I will kill you the same way. Slow and painful. 

It was enough to know he had to accept the deal in risk of purple guy killing everyone here. 


"Let's shake on it." 


Cosmo was down. 

"You don't stand a ch-" Space was cut off...quite literally, no joke cut in half. Also the pun was intended......................................^ this pun.

"Halloween? Halloween!" 

"Mother f#cking Giga Denji is here!" Denji yells to no one in particular. 

He then leaps to the next battle. 

"Halloween, Halloween, Halloween." 

"Beam totally agrees, I also love Halloween!" 


"I thought you were the best." Said the drug devil. It had already dealt with the longsword and spear devil. 

"Go to hell." Said Quanxi. 

"You first." 

"Hey dude." 

"Huh?' The two looked at Denji. "What is it?" 

"You're so high I cut off your head and you still haven't noticed the cut." 

"Wh-what!?" Then the head slid off onto the floor. 




Flamethrower was killed, but Reze and acid were at a stalemate. Acid would attack and Reze would explode to counter the acid. She couldn't touch him since he was made of acid. 

Denji watched this. 

"I can't cut through that." 

"I will help." Said purple guy.

"Didn't know you were still here." 

"None of you can physically touch the acid devil. Maybe Makima could shoot it, but that's about it. i shall permanently dispose of it." 

Purple guy stepped in front of the two. 

"Who are you?" 


"I'm the one who's going to end your literal acid trip." 

"Bring it!" Acid roard. 

Purple guy summoned a purple knife with a red outline. Then it changed into a green outline. Acid enclosed purple guy, but was then cut in thousands of pieces. Purple guy had acid all over him, and was regenerating with every second. Acid was trying to reform, but purple guy simply summoned a purple light and erased the acid devil. 

"All done." Was all he said. 


"I know." 

"Been a while since I've seen that look." Said Reze. 

"Yep...well gotta go." 



The radioactive devil had decimated Akane, but was having slight trouble with Master. While in the midst of battle, Denji cut through radioactive's body diagonally.  It was pretty quick, but dope to look at. 


Nayuta and Makima had put up a great fight against the time devil, but couldn't handle its powers. Then in came Denji. 

"Did you take steroids?" Asked time and Nayuta. 


"3 on 1, doesn't matter. I shall end all of you!" 

"Bet!" The three went in. 

Makima shot time, Nayuta stabbed him with chains, and Denji was going chainsaw crazy. It all did serious damage, but time still ended up reversing his wounds. 

"It's no use, I am immortal!" 

"If one thing I've learned through this rollercoaster of a year is, the only true immortal is a weirdo who wears purple!" Denji then launched his chainsaws into the time devil's heart. 

"I-imp-ossi-ble." It uttered as it fell to the ground, dead. 

"Not really." The battle was over. They had won. 

"We did it." Said Nayuta. 

"Yeah." Replied Denji. 

"I take offense to that weirdo part, but I'll let it slide." Said purple guy. 


"Well, see you on the flipside." He said and vanished. 

"DENJI!" Yelled Power, as she ran to Denji. 

"Hey Power. I would hug back but sorta still in giga mode." 

"Tis fine." 

"Yeah, a-" 

"Where's Makima and the others?" Asked Kishibe. 

The others looked around to see none of them there...except for some reason Cosmo. She was chatting with Beam...don't ask me how or why.

"Damn, they got away." 

"Tis fine, we shall get them next time." 


The group then walked any of the injured people to a hospital, and the rest walked off into the sunset all western style. 

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