Prep And Distract

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"I will do what I want, when I want! For I am the mighty Power!" 

"Not an option." 

"Yeah, who knows what your blood bending sh!t could do to our kid." 

"It harms me not, therefore, it shall harm the child not!" 

"As the expectant father, I say no!" 

"As the vessel, I say yes!" 

"As the annoyed roommate, I say shut up!" 

"Damn Aki, you didn't have to be so rude about it." 


"I can't with you 2." 

"Still having Power trouble?" Asked Himeno, as she walked in with Nayuta, Asa, and Kobeni. 

"Of course they are." 

"What's the matter this time?" 

"Tis my body, I can use my blood any time I want!" 

"Well I helped put that thing in you, and that means I get a say in this, and that say is no blood use!" 

"It's been like this for 2 hours. I ran out of cigarettes this morning, so hand me yours." 

Himeno gave Aki the pack. 

"Have fun." He left the apartment. 

"Alright, let's see what's going on." 

"I shall tell you in great truth and detail. Denji impregnated me and wants to control me and the child!" 

"That's such a lie!" 

"Tis not!" 

"Yes it is!" 

"You only brought me back for this, you evil chainsaw!" 

"I brought you back cuz I made a deal, and missed you and the rest!"

"Tis just a tale!" 

"Why do you make my life crazy!?" 

"Well it's b-" 


"W-what was that?" Asked a slightly shaken Kobeni. 

Everyone looked outside to see the chupacabra devil wreaking havoc on Japan.  

"The chupacabra devil? Strange how it's not in Latin America." 

"How do you know this?" 

"Former public safety devil hunter remember. I knew where many different devils were." 

"Well, we'll finish this chat later." Denji grabbed his chord. "It's chainsaw time." 


The  chupacabra devil was doing what it was supposed to do. It was wreaking havoc in Japan. It was perfect, the others would dig up time, while he would distract chainsaw. 

"Hey!" Speak of the devil...literally.  

Chupa snarled at him. 

"Damn, ugly and rude. I'll make sure to end that." 

Chupa smiled at that. It had a few tricks up its sleeves. 

"What the-?" In an instant, Denji was soaring into a building. 

The  chupacabra devil was extremely fast. It could run faster than the human eye. 

"Alright, you're a speedy one. I can still cut you open!" 

Denji charged in with chainsaws, but missed. His back was claw swiped. Chupa had claws similar to that of a grizzlys. One swipe could knock of a humans face. 

"You little b!tch! That's i-the f#ck!?" Denji was being bitten by the  chupacabra devil. 

Chupa had teeth that could penetrate any living thing. As soon as he clamped down, the blood sucking would begin. 

"!" Denji was able to knock the devil off of him. "F#ck." 

One of Denji's chainsaw hands started to shrink. 

"I can still do this with my leafty!" Denji charged forward. 

Chupa dged the attack, but was countered with a kick. Denji went in for a chest jab, but was the  chupacabra devil evaded that. He lunged on Denji's back, and bit down on his neck. 

"OW!" Denji tried fighting, but with blood diminishing, there wasn't much he could do. 

Then a chain knocked it off Denji. 

"You need this." Nayuta gave him some blood. 


"I'll handle this." 

She shot a chain into chupa. 

"You will obey me, ok." 

He nodded, and Nayuta let go. This was a bad idea. Only devils are are equal or similarly powerful can't be controlled by the control devil, but also looney devils can't be controlled by it. The  chupacabra devil was one of these loons. It charged at Nayuta, readying a claw swipe. She was in too much shock to react. Denji was still drinking blood. Asa was trying to calm down Kobeni. Himeno was unarmed. No one saw leave Power. 

"Hey!" Just inches away from swiping Nayuta, the chupacabra devil looked towards the voice. 

It snarled. 

"You now have to deal with the mighty Power!" 

Power went to make a blood spear, but felt something. She felt as if she would be hurting herself, or worse, the baby. Chupa sensed this, and was why he was walking. Nayuta tried shooting another chain, but it was evaded. The  chupacabra devil was face to face with Power. It snarled in her face. She still couldn't make a weapon, it hurt too much. Power knew if she ran, it would catch her. This was her only option. 

"Get away from my future kid." Said a rejuvenated Denji. 

Chupa looked at Denji. It ran at him, going full speed. Somehow Denji avoided it. 

"I learned this from a certain asshole." Denji got in a very similar stance. 

In a split second, the devils legs were chopped in half. Chupa couldn't help but roar in agony. 

"No more running." Denji plunged his chainsaws into its shoulders. "Now you will never hurt any of them again." He sunk the head chainsaw into his head. 

He ran up to Power and Nayuta. 

"Told you not to use blood." 

"I could not use it. Tis too painful." 

"I told you. Now, take it easy, I really don't want you or the kid getting hurt." 

"When did you become so mature?" Asked Nayuta. 

"Must've been smart people's blood." 


It worked. The devils were in. Freeing the time devil was going to take a few weeks, but it will be the end of chainsaw man. 


"I see. I might have to return to that universe once more, afterall, that child will be very important to my needs." Said the purple guy, sitting down in darkness. 

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