Sweet Dreams Are Overrated

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Nayuta walked inside. She had been out walking her many dogs. 


"Hey, Aki has your food in the microwave." Denji said. 

"I practically had to tie down Power." 

"Twas a wise choice, but I shall get my fill soon." 

"Hurry up and eat, we're gonna watch a movie." 

"Ok." Nayuta ate, cleaned up, and sat on the couch. 

"What shall we watch?" 

"I vote Expendables." 

"Wouldn't expect that from you Hayakawa." 

"It's a good movie." 

"Power, what do you want." 

"Something fun, but also very much bloody." 

"Alright, and how bout you Nayuta?" 

"I don't care." 

"Expendables it is." 

Denji then put the movie on. Power made, and munched on some popcorn. Next to her was Denji, who would snab some popcorn every now and then. Then there was Aki, who just sat stiff. Nayuta was on the other end, leaning on the arm rest. In a couple of minutes she was out like a light. 


Nayuta woke in the middle of a run down city. It looked very familiar, but she couldn't place why it did. There were bodies sprawled around the city, their faces were blurred. 

"Where am I?" 

"Somewhere you'll come to hate." 

"Who's there?" 

"The dream devil is here." A figure appeared in front of her. The figure looked like a blacked out man. It stood about 7 ft tall, and had white eyes and random patterns across its body. 

"Why do you visit me?" 

"To show you the future." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, this path so far is going to lead to massive fight that will lead to everyone you know to their deaths." 

"I don't think that will happen." 

"And why is t-" The dream devil was caught off by chains that pierced it. 

"If I kill you now, you won't hurt anyone, and nothing will happen." 

"I am...merely...trying to...warn you." Said the devil in-between breaths. 

"About what?" Nayuta released the chains. 

"An army of devils, who will overcome the chainsaw." 


"By power." 

"Can I stop this?" 



"Denji will try saving you, but ends up getting himself almost killed in the fight. You then watch what happens next. In order to change what might happen, you must not freeze. This is the only path I know so far" 

"How do you know this?" 

"Dreams can predict the future." All of a sudden, there was a rumbling. 

"What's that?" 

"You're starting to wake up." 

"Will we meet again?" 

"Only if I sense another danger." 

Nayuta was gone. 

"Which will happen sooner than I thought." 


Nayuta woke up for real this time. 

"Sorry to wake you." It was Denji. 

"It's ok." 

"Go to bed, you don't sleep." 

"Ok." Denji was about to leave. 

"Hey Denji." 


"Don't do anything stupid." 

"Need specifics." 

"Like if I was in danger, don't risk yourself for me." 

"Too  bad, I will always do stupid sh!t like that." He then left the room. 

"That's what I was afraid of." 

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