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- Manjiro, do you know that some imbecile in your gang organises underground fights ? asked Katsumi poking her head in the room where Mikey and Ken were.

- Katsumi!! How about knocking on the door next time? Mikey shouted in surprise.

-Oi, Katsumi, what are you talking about? Ken asked looking at the girl by the door.

Katsumi was dressed in her school uniform, she had just returned home. She had long black hair braided on the left side of her head that covered her ear and part of her face.

-Calm down, Manjiro, I knew I would find you together with Ken, so there was no way you could do something shameful, said his sister, rolling her eyes. Kiyomizu Masataka, uses the name Toman for his stupid betting business. He made an army of slaves and forces them to fight. I heard one of my classmates talking about it when we were leaving school. Maybe it would be an idea for you to go to school from time to time.

-Kat-chin, you're not my mother, Mikey said, sticking out his tongue. Ken-chin, let's pay this guy a visit. Kat-chin, do you want to come with us?

-You don't even have to ask, Invincible Mikey can't appear in public without his seconds, Draken and Akuma, she said smiling with the right corner of her mouth.

Katsumi went to her room and changed into her Tokyo Manji uniform. She loose her braided hair and styled it on the right side, showing that she was shaved on the left side of the head from the temple to behind the ear. She had several round piercings on her left earlobe and an earring with an inverted cross. She put a black mask on made of a thin material that allowed her to breathe easily over her mouth and nose and left the house. Mikey and Ken were already waiting for her on their motorcycles. She climbed in behind Mikey and they all left.

Mikey founded the group Tokyo Manji or Toman, together with Ken, Baji, Kazutora, Pah-chin and Mitsuya. Katsumi also participated in the formation of the group, but initially refused to be part of the group. It seemed childish and useless to her. She worked on their uniforms together with Matsuya and took a picture from them the day they formed the group. After Shinichiro's death, she decided to join the group in order to protect Mikey. She was afraid that her family members could be hurt. Emma went to the same school as her, but they were in different classes. Emma being their younger sister. No one dared to say anything to Emma because they all knew that she was Mikey's sister and that Mikey's seconds, Akuma, beat up some of Emma's colleagues when they dared to insult her.

After Shinichiro's death, Katsumi became more and more cold, although at school she displayed the image of a smiling and friendly girl, otherwise she was sharp and sometimes even mean. Baji came up with the idea of ​​the name Akuma, because he thought Katsumi was a demon in his childhood because he was terrorized by her all the time when they went to the same school and when she helped him with his homework.

The founders of the Toman group were the only ones who knew Akuma's true identity. Many did not even know that she was actually a girl. Akuma rarely spoke at gatherings.They arrived at the place where they knew the fighting was going on. A little trafficked area with stairs next to a bridge. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw how Masataka was preparing to hit a bloodied boy with a club.

- You got quite a crowd, said Ken, walking imposingly with his hands in his pockets.

Behind him came Mikey and Akuma.

Everyone present turned to them in amazement and bowed to King Mikey.

-It's Ryuuguuji Ken, also known as Draken, a frightened voice whispered from the crowd. Along with the invincible Mikey and Akuma, Toman's demon.

All three of them started to walk imposingly towards the bully and his victim. Everyone was bowing to Mikey who was walking in front of his companions. A Toman member from the 3rd division tried to introduce himself, but Ken told him that Mikey doesn't talk to unimportant people. When they reached the two, Ken kicked Masataka in the stomach, making him to wince in pain.

-When did you become so important that you don't bow down to Mikey?

Akuma elbowed him in the back of the head, knocking him to his knees.

-That's much better, Akuma said in an arrogant tone.

Mikey asked the beaten boy what his name was, the boy said his name was Hanagaki Takemichi.

-Take-micchi from now on you will be my bitch, okay? Mikey said smiling scaring the boy even more.

Mikey then moved away from him and started beating Masataka while Ken and Akuma looked at them bored.

- Fights like that are crap. Do not do things that ruin the name of Toman. And the rest of you, stop daydreaming and home! Ken told them authoritatively as they walked away.

- We ran out of sweets, said Mikey.

- You are still a child, Akuma said laughing, clinging to Mikey's neck with her arm. Draken, I don't know how you can stand him. Manjiro admit that you would be dead without Draken.

- I can manage things on my own, Mikey said sullenly and irritated.

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