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The next day Katsumi went  to Mitsuya's house. The boy heard her motorcycle stoping in front of his house and went out to greet her. He saw that the girl was holding a paper bag in her hand. He led her to the room where he had a sewing machine.

- "I can help you with this", Mitsuya told her while Katsumi sat down at the sewing machine.

- "Thank you, Takashi, but I'd rather do it myself", Katsumi said with a sad smile.

She took the striped sweater of Baji out of her bag. Mitsuya looked at her sadly.

- "It's Baji's, right?" he asked her sadly.

Katsumi nodded with tears in her eyes.

- "It's the only thing I have left from him."

- "I'm going to make you some tea, call me if you need me", he told her and left the room.

Katsumi began to modify Baji's sweater. From time to time she stopped to wipe her tears. With the surplus material she had left, she made a pair of fingerless gloves. Mitsuya returned after a while and put a cup of tea on the sewing machine table.

- "You are very skilled at this", Mitsuya told her, admiring her work.

- "Thank you, I learned from the best", Katsumi told him, taking the cup of tea in his hands.

She had been fascinated when she found out that Mitsuya was good at tailoring and wanted to learn from him. Mitsuya's sisters looked at her curiously all this time.

- "Katsumi-chan is your girlfriend?" Luna asked, looking curiously at the two.

- "Luna, it's rude to ask something like that!" her brother scolded her, blushing.

- "Luna, Katsumi-chan is our sister, she can't be onii-chan's girlfriend", said Runa.Katsumi started to laugh and took them both in his arms. She kissed them on the forehead and then took her bag from the sewing machine.

- "I almost forgot, I brought you something", Katsumi told them, taking out an plush kitten from the bag for each one who had a bag of sweets on its back.

- "Onee-chan they are so cute!" said Runa looking at the extra kitten.

- "Thank you, onee-chan!" Luna said hugging her.

Mitsuya watched his sisters smiling. The little girls were very happy with the gifts they received from Katsumi.

- "Onee-chan, you will come with us to the New Year's festival, right?" Luna asked her.

- "Of course, my siblings, Mikey and Emma, will also come", Katsumi told them. "You will get to meet them too. Emma-chan will adore you as much as I do."

Mitsuya's sisters started playing with the toys. Katsumi thanked Mitsuya and left.

** Christmas day **

Katsumi was in her room and she was dressing in Baji's sweater, she put on a pair of black jeans, black boots and a jacket of the same color, as well as gloves made from the material left over from the sweater. She also put a scarf around her neck and the hood from her jacket on her head.

- "Kat-chin, are you ready?" she heard Mikey's voice from outside her bedroom door.

She opened the door and went out. Mikey looked at her in wonder for a second.

- "It suits you", said Mikey looking at the sweater.

He smiled sadly and went out with his sister to the yard where Draken was waiting for them on his motorcycle. It was a tradition on Christmas Eve to go out for a ride on motorcycles. In the past, Shinichiro would take them both on his motorcycle to which he had attached an an external sit. The two twins fought all the time about who should sit with their brother on the motorcycle and who should sit in the extra sit. Both wanted to sit with Shinichiro. In the first year, they played rock-paper-scissors to decide which of them would stand in Shinichiro's arms. Katsumi lost, but they decided that next year Katsumi will ride with her older brother, and Mikey will ride in the extra sit. They took turns every year. Until Mikey got the scooter and since then Katsumi was riding behind Shinichiro on his motorcycle. In time, Draken and Baji joined them.

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