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On the day of the festival, Katsumi tried on the yukata and admired herself in the mirror, Mitsuya had done an excellent job, he had even added some embroidered details on the coat. Katsumi was texting Mitsuya when her brother knocked on her bedroom door.

- "Oh, you're going to the festival", Mikey said a little surprised.

- "Did something happen Mikey?" Katsumi asked worriedly.

 -"I was called by someone from Toman elsewhere, but you don't need to come with me. Go to the festival."

- "Manjiro, no one is waiting for me at the festival, I'll change my clothes and come with you", his sister told him in a serious tone.

They arrived at the meeting place.

- "What exactly are we looking for here?" Katsumi asked him in a whisper.

- "Who said to gather here?" Mikey asked.

The other members looked puzzled and said that it was someone from the first division, or from the third, or from the sixth. No one knew what actually was happening.

- "Akuma, Draken is alone at the festival", said Mikey standing up.

His sister followed him and they left as fast as they could from there. They both had a bad feeling.

When they arrived at the festival area, they saw that in the parking lot there were more members of Moebius who were fighting with Draken, with him there were also Takemichi and Mitusya. Mikey and Akuma came between them. A guy with tattoos on his hands came up to them and introduced himself as the new leader of the Moebius gang, Shuji Hanma. Mikey tried to hit him, but he protected himself.

- "There are 100 people from Moebius here, while you are only 5, you have no chance. I want Mikey, Draken and Akuma dead!" he shouted and the fight began.

At that very moment, the engines of the Toman men were heard and they all came to the fight. The captain of the 4th division, Nahoya Kawata, a smiling guy with curly hair, Keisuke Baji, the captain of the 1st division, Yasuhiro Mutou, the captain of the 5th division, a tall guy with a shaved head.

- "A fight like this on the day of the festival gets my blood pumping", said Draken.

- "Too bad you're going to stain this beautiful outfit, Takashi", Katsumi whispered to Mitsuya.

The boy smiled and they started to fight at Mikey's command.

Katsumi was mercilessly hitting the enemies left and right, laughing demonically, no one could touch her as well as her brother. Her laughter scared the enemies and encouraged her teammates, as long as the demon laughed, the battle was won. If the demon was silent, it means that Mikey was on the ground, and the fight was already lost.

- "Draken was stabbed!!!" howled Takemichi full of fear.

The demon went silent, Mikey looked at him in panic, but the fight continued, the others needed the Sano twins in the fight.

- "Get Draken out of here, Takemichi!!" Mikey yelled at him continuing to fight.

Katsumi became more and more violent, she wanted to leave with Takemichi and Draken, but she didn't want to leave Mikey. Hanma was the only one besides her who could block Mikey's attacks. No matter how much trust she had in Mikey's skills, she wouldn't have left him alone for anything in the world on the battlefield. She mercilessly smashed heads and broke limbs, laughing more and more demonically until her laughter resembled an animal's laugh. Every time she fought, she felt like something animal awakened in her and she became a beast. She felt that nothing could stop her.Almost everyone was on the ground, some of the Tomans could barely stand, the captains were also tired, Katsumi was also tired, but she walked among the Moebius people and kicked them with her boot in the face if they wanted to get up. Mikey was fighting Hanma.

- "It's time to go, Hanma", said a guy riding a motorcycle.

- "Mikey, we will form the strongest motorcycle gang in Kanto, Valhalla, and I am their vice president. Toman, you won't know what silence means from now on."

Katsumi was leaning against a fence with Mitsuya.

- "I was expecting to see you at the festival dressed in the yukata."

- "When the king calls you, you must answer the call", said Katsumi. "Plus it would be a shame to spoil it."

- "Mikey is lucky to have you on his side", Mitsuya told her.

- "Too bad about your outfit", Katsumi told him, smiling behind the mask while pushing him lightly with her elbow.

They all regrouped and went to the hospital  where Draken was. Mikey got on the motorcycle without waiting for Katsumi, who came with Mitsuya. She, Mitsuya and Peh-yan arrived first. In the waiting room they met Takemichi with his friends with him, Emma and Hina. Mikey also arrived after some time.

- "You didn't even hurry", his twin sister whispered to him when he passed by her.

- "You are too noisy", Mikey told them.

The doctor informed him that Draken was fine.

- "Come on, Peh-yan, let's also inform the others who are waiting outside", Mitsuya told him.

- "I can't meet them, I'm too ashamed", said Peh-yan.

- "What you did, you did for Pah-chin's sake, everyone will understand that", said Mitsuya and they left for the hospital exit.

"Mitsuya, I know you're a big brother, but it seems like you're everyone's big brother." Katsumi thought smiling.

They all came out after them, Mitsuya informed everyone that Draken was fine. They all started happily chanting.

- "Pen-yan, if Mikey or anyone else in the gang were hurt because of you, I would have eviscerated you with my bare hands", whispered Katsumi standing behind him. 

The boy did not dare to turn to her. The tone of her voice sent chills down his spine. The demon spoke to him.It almost seemed unreal that Mikey's twin sister, who he had always thought was a really nice girl, was the same person as Akuma.

"Hina-chan, thank you for comforting Emma-chan. In this skin, I can't get close to her without exposing myself." Katsumi thought looking at the two girls.

After they all left, Mikey also came from around a corner of the hospital. Katsumi was waiting for him on his motorcycle. She embraced him when she saw his crying eyes.

- "Kat-chin, if anyone sees us?" Mikey asked a little embarrassed.

- "They'll think you're gay", said Katsumi, trying to cheer him up.

Mikey buried his head in her shoulder and stayed like that for a few minutes.

- "Kat-chin, don't you ever leave me", Mikey whispered.

His sister put her hand on his head and whispered with tears in her eyes:

- "Manji-chan, I will die for you if necessary."

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