Cap 3

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The next day, Mikey and Ken decided to visit Takemicchi at school, but Katsumi refused to accompany them because she also had classes that day.

The girl was sitting at her desk talking to two colleagues, smiling and friendly. She didn't pretend to be friendly to the two girls, they were both nice to her and she enjoyed talking to them. A colleague of theirs run into the class.

- Attention, everyone! The captain of the 1st division from Toman and the vice-captain come here! said the boy scared.

Katsumi's friends turned to her worried.

- What are you doing here? asked Ariko, one of the two girls next to Katsumi whispering.

- The are students here, Katsumi told them amused. They are in the same year as us, but in a different class.

- To be honest, they are both so cute, said the other girl, Kimiko.

Katsumi started to laugh.

-Katsumi-chan, you and Emma-chan are so cute that sometimes I forget that you are the leader Toman's sisters, said Ariko smiling at Katsumi.

- Toman is not a family business, said Katsumi laughing.

- Oi, Kat! said Baji entering the classroom with his hands in his pockets. Behind him, leaning against the door frame, was Chifuyu.

Kimiko looked hypnotized at the tall boy approaching Katsumi's desk. She admires him long black hair and his smile that shows his sharp canines.

- What a surprise to see you here, Keisuke, said Katsumi resting her chin on her left hand.

- Katsumi-chan... Kimiko whispered a little embarrassed.

- Oh, Keisuke, they are my friends Kimiko Haruki and Ariko Mijiro, girls he is Keisuke Baji.

Baji smiled at them seductively.

- Enough, Casanova, said Katsumi rolling ger eyes. She got up from her desk and started pushing Baji towards the exit of the classroom. Chifuyu looked at them amused by the situation while Baji protested.

All 3 of them went out into the hall and started walking towards the exit. Katsumi in the middle, Baji on her right, and Chifuyu on the left.

- You're having a little too much fun at the expense of my friends Keisuke, you're not even interested in them, Katsumi told him, punching him in the forearm. What are you doing here?

- We're learning here, Kat, in case you've forgotten, Baji told her jokingly punching her in the forearm.

All the students in the corridor were moving to one side of their path, making a corridor where the three could pass unbothered.

- We wanted to see you, said Chifuyu.

- We will see each other tonight at the gathering at the Manji temple anyway, said Katsumi.

- We wanted to see Kat, not Akuma, said Baji, clinging to her neck with one arm.

- Keisuke, you might see Akuma sooner... said Katsumi irritated.

Baji immediately took his arm from behind her neck.

- Chifuyu wanted to see you, Baji said quickly.

- W-what? Not true! Chifuyu said trying to defend himself.

Katsumi started to laugh seeing how embarrassed he was.

- Don't be shy now, Chifuyu, said Baji grinning.

- I said that we haven't seen each other for a long time outside Toman like we used to do, Chifuyu said a little irritated.

- Is that why you came here? Katsumi asked in surprise.

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