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Katsumi and Chifuyu arrived shortly after the second division led by Mitsuya at the Manji temple. Akuma saw Takemichi was also present at the meeting as she climbed the stairs to the temple to take her place beside her twin brother. Chifuyu was standing behind Baji along with the other members of the first division, all the divisions were gathered and they were waiting to find out the reason why they were there. One of Pah-chin's friends had been attacked by a rival gang, and his girlfriend had been beaten and raped. The poor girl was in a coma since the incident. Katsumi gritted her teeth in anger. She couldn't wait to wipe the floor with the rival gang. They were going to fight with Moebius. When Mikey announce this to his gang members, they all chanted.

- "Oi, Mitsuya!" Akuma greeted him coming near him after the other members had left.- "Kat", the boy also greeted her.- "I need help with some changes to my yukata."- "Kat, I'm not your personal tailor", Mitsuya told her a little annoyed.- "A future international fashion designer like you? Mitsuya, dear, I'll brag to everybody when you will become famous that you used to improve my clothes", Akuma told him smiling behind her mask.

- "You are flattering me, Akuma..." Mitsuya told her with a smile.

Akuma put her hands in a heart shape and then went after her twin brother.-

"E? Do we have a cat?!" Mikey exclaimed in wonder. "We have a cat!!" he said happily, standing next to Katsumi's bed where the cat was sleeping.

- "A cat?!" said Emma entering the room.

She sat next to her brother and started looking at the cat.

- "He doesn't bite, you can pet him, Emma-chan", Katsumi said while placing her mask in a drawer and the Toman jacket on a hanger.

- "Where did you find it?" Emma asked.

- "Some imbeciles were hurting her in the park", said Katsumi irritated.

- "Are they still alive?" Mikey asked smiling.

- "I think so", said Katsumi nonchalantly, sitting down in the chair at her desk.

- "Katsumi-chan, I came to your class at the end of the school day, but Kimiko and Ariko told me that you left with two members of Toman." Emma said while petting the cat.

- "Two Toman members?" Mikey asked turning to her with a wry smile. "Kat-chin, do you have something to tell me?"

- "No", said Katsumi sticking out her tongue.

- "I'm just curious to see who's courting my twin sister", Mikey said with a protective attitude.

- "Why? Are you afraid that they will start to be interested in you too, twin brother?" Katsumi asked with a wicked smile.

- "You're not funny, I know it was Keisuke and Chifuyu. I saw you coming with Chifuyu."

- "Katsumi-chan, why don't you ask Chifuyu if he wants to come with you to the festival?" Emma asked.

- "Emma-chan, I don't play with Mikey's friends", said Katsumi with a mischievous smile.

Emma started to blush and turned to the cat.

- "What are you talking about?" Mikey asked them confused.

- "About nothing", said Emma, starting to stroke the cat faster and faster.

- "Emma?" a curious Mikey asked.

- "Oh come on Manjiro-chan, it's obvious that Emma likes Draken", Katsumi said rolling her eyes.

Mikey started to laugh and put a hand on Emma's head:

- "Emma, Ken-chin is a good guy, you are in good hands."

Their brother got up from the floor and left the room.

- "Katsumi-chan, I thought you were going to tell him about that boy, Takemichi, you scared me", Emma whispered

- "Emma-chan, if that bastard would have touched you, I would have broken his hands."

- "E? Katsumi-chan, why don't you like Takemichi? He's a good boy."

- "He reminds Mikey of Shinichiro... as if that bastard could ever reach Shini-chan's level", said Katsumi sadly looking down at the tips of her feet.

- "Katsumi-chan, we all miss Shinichiro", said Emma coming to her and hugging her.Her older sister felt her eyes starting to sting and wanted to cry. She took Emma's face in her hands and kissed her on the forehead.

- "Emma-chan, I promise to protect you no matter what."

- "Um?" Emma looked puzzled at her older sister and saw that she was trying to stop the tears that welled up in her eyes.

- "So, Emma-chan, Shiro's food is in the cupboard next to the fridge, please take care of it when I'm not at home", Katsumi told her while getting up from the chair.

She went to the closet in her room and started to change into her training clothes. They all missed Shinichiro, but Katsumi was sure that from all of her siblings she missed him the most. At his funeral, she almost jumped in the grave with him. Her grandfather had to forcefully take her home from the cemetery, because she refused to come home knowing that Shinichiro wasn't there. She was hospitalised a week after her brother's death, because she refused to eat. Mikey had his friends, Emma had Mikey, but all she ever had was her older brother. Her friends weren't her friends, they were Mikey's. She had no other friends beside Mikey's . Strangely, one day, Sanzu, one of Mikey's friends, who stopped hanging out with them a long time ago, came to visit her at the hospital and convinced her that Shinichiro would have wanted for her to keep on living and be happy.

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