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The next day, Katsumi was with Takemichi and Draken in Mikey's room.

- "I would like to remember from where I know this guy, Izana Kurokawa", Katsumi said frustrated.

- "He is my brother", said Emma who had brought them teas.They all looked at her in amazement.

- "That's right! You told me about him many years ago when you came here", said Katsumi. "How could I forget?!"

- "E? I don't remember anything about it", Mikey said.

- "Oh, come on, Mikey, I've told you many times about him!" Emma said. "He is our half brother."

- "That's right, Emma was originally called Kurokawa", said Katsumi.

- "I don't know what you're talking about", said Mikey.

- "Mikey, you really never listen when I talk?!" Emma asked angrily.

- "Emma, Izana was close to Shinichiro, wasn't he?" Katsumi asked anxiously.

- "Yes, exactly, I found a series of letters between the two when I cleaned Shinichiro's room, I will bring them", said Emma.

- "Kat-chin, what are you talking about?" asked Mikey.

- "It was many years ago, but I remember, you were playing with Keisuke and Sanzu, you didn't want to play with me, because you only wanted to be boys, and Shinichiro took me with him. He told me that he wanted to introduce me to someone. Izana Kurokawa. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner, I remembered when Emma said it was her brother. Shinichiro took us both out for ice cream, he never told me he was our brother. Izana was very happy to meet me, we played all day in the park. I promised him that we would play together again, but it never happened. I asked Shinichiro about him before, but he always avoided answering me or giving me more details, and suddenly you and your friends want to play with me."

- "Because Shinichiro told me that I should play with my twin sister more and that you can be one of the boys", Mikey said.

- "So the only reason why you started spending time with me was because Shinichiro told you to do so... "said Katsumi sadly.

- "Don't be so sensitive, Kat-chin," Mikey said grumpily.

- "What was Shinichiro planning with Izana? Why did he push me away from him?" Katsumi wondered.Emma came back in with the letters and Draken took them from her.

- "Look here: dear Shinichiro-sama, thank you for visiting me. I am happy to know that I have a family", Draken read.

- "I need to get some air", said Mikey leaving the room.

- "Dear Shinichiro-sama, I am happy to have met my sister Katsumi-chan. She's a nice girl, I'm sure we'll get along very well. When will you bring her to play together again?" continued reading Draken.

- "Dear Shinichiro-sama, why doesn't Katsumi-chan want to play with me anymore? it's his fault, isn't it?"

- "Dear Shinichiro-sama, please, I want to see my sister. Lately I have had a lot of headaches. It's only his fault. Please stop talking about Manjiro. He has you and Katsumi-chan, I'm always alone."

- "It's depressing", said Katsumi sadly. "I still don't understand why Shinichiro kept him away from me. Was he afraid that he could hurt me? Do you think Izana is unstable?"

- "I don't know what to think about that", said Draken. "I can only say that he seemed attached to you. You and Shinichiro-kun were the only family members he knew. Shinichiro-kun was his only support, so what does he think of Mikey."

- "He seems to envy Mikey", said Katsumi.

- "So it seems", said Emma.

- "It seems like it was all Izana's plan to destroy Mikey", said Draken.

- "And after Shinichiro died, he created Tenjiku", said Takemichi.

- "It doesn't matter what this boy wants, my brother, or how happy he was to meet me, if he touches Mikey, I will break his hands!" Katsumi said angry.

Emma took Katsumi's hand.

- "Maybe I should talk to him, maybe I can stop all these conflicts without Toman being involved. After all, it's a family problem. My family's problem", Katsumi said.

- "Kat, don't do that, it's far too dangerous", said Draken.

- "Ken-kun is right, Katsumi-chan, you don't know why these people are capable of", said Emma, squeezing her hand.

- "They are right, Katsumi-san", said Takemichi.

- "Oh, what am I doing with you?" Katsumi said with a smile.

- "Katsumi-chan, promise me that you will give up this idea", said Emma.

- "Of, Emma-chan, I promise you", Katsumi said and hugged her sister.

Katsumi left the room and went to the dojo to train. She wasn't going to give up on her plan, even if she broke the promise she made to her younger sister. She had to think carefully about the plan. She could not throw herself in front of the enemy without a good plan.

- "Kat, Muto attacked me, Takemichi and his friends", Chifuyu told Katsumi on the phone.

- "What the fuck? Where are the others?" Katsumi asked.

- "They only took Takemichi, they left the rest of us alone."

- "Mikey doesn't know anything about it. Muto is a traitor!" Katsumi said angrily. "I will break his neck! Nobody goes against Mikey! Did Takemichi tell you about the relationship between Izana and us?" Katsumi asked in a serious tone.

- "Yes, he wanted to go against him alone, but the entire First Division decided to go with him. This is before being attacked by Muto."

- "And were you thinking of letting me know about your big plan?" Katsumi asked angrily.

- "We haven't discussed it yet", said Chifuyu.

- "Chifuyu, Takemichi may be the captain of the first division, and you his vice captain, but the first division is Keisuke's legacy. You can't put yourself in danger without talking to me! Your actions can affect Toman. Like it or not, you report directly to me as Mikey's second in command."

- "I'm sorry, Kat", Chifuyu said.

- "Of, Chifuyu, are you okay?" Katsumi asked him worriedly. "Did they do something to you?"

- "I'm ok, Kat, don't worry about me. We are all fine. We were trying to find Takemichi."

- "Good, I'll let Mikey know about this treason."Katsumi entered Mikey's room and told him everything Chifuyu told her.

- "Since when do my captains and vice-captains report to you?" Mikey asked in surprise.

- "Since I am responsible for protecting Toman's interests and collecting information", Katsumi said angrily.

- "I'm going to have a general meeting", said Mikey.

During the meeting, it was announced that Muto betrayed Toman. And Inui told them that Tenjiku would attack them on February 22, the next day.

"Damn! I don't have time for anything. I can't go tonight to look for Izana and talk to him" thought Katsumi. "I have no plan, I risk not being at the fight tomorrow. I have to be with Mikey tomorrow."

They discussed whether to use weapons, Hakkai proposed to use them, but Pen-yan opposed.

- "Listen to me everyone, maybe we won't have the captains with us, but I'm here!" Mikey shouted. "Let's crush Tenjiku!"

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