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- "My baby!!!" Mikey shouted running towards his motorcycle when Katsumi parked it in the yard of their house. "Did the evil Kat-chin do something to you?" Mikey was talking to the motorcycle while hugging it.

- "I'm fine, thanks for asking, Manji-chan", Kat said sticking her tongue out.

Emma was waiting for her smiling impatiently with Draken near the house. Katsumi looked at them confused.

- "Kat-chin, we have a surprise for you", Mikey said putting a hand over her shoulders.

- "Huh?"

- "It was very difficult to do this, considering that we live in the same house and how nosy you are", Mikey continued to speak, leading her to the garage, "but with the help of Ken-chin and Emma who stayed always on guard and made sure you wouldn't suspect anything, I succeeded."

- "What are you talking about, Manji-chan?" Katsumi asked him in confusion.

- "You are so cute right now, Katsumi-chan. You're probably wondering how we managed to keep you away from this", said Emma excitedly stomping around.

- "You'll like it, Kat, believe me", said Draken, opening the garage door.

In the garage was a motorcycle, the same model as Mikey's, polished black. It had several stickers stuck on it: some of them were cute animals, others were cats with samurai swords, there was one with a spider lily, one with the Toman logo. Katsumi could not believe what she saw in front of her eyes. She blinked a few times to make sure she was awake, then jumped with her arms around her twin brother and started thanking him endlessly. She kissed his cheek and then took Emma in her arms and thanked Draken.

- "Easier, Kat, I don't want someone to see us", Mikey said jokingly.

- "Mikey, many would like to have the honour of being hugged by Katsumi-chan", Emma jokingly scolded him.

- "Huh?! Who has a crush on my twin sister?!" Mikey asked in surprise.

They all started laughing.

- "Mikey, what will you do when she get married? Do you rush during the ceremony and object?" Emma asked him.

"Marriage?" Katsumi thought. "I never even thought about that."

- "I have to give my approval of who her future husband will be", Mikey said with a frown. "Not everyone has the honour of being my twin sister's husband. It is a right that you have to earn."

- "Oi, Mikey, Draken, Emma-chan, shall we take it for a ride?" Katsumi asked getting on the motorcycle.

Emma started to dance excitedly and then jumped behind her older sister.

- "Catch us if you can!" Katsumi shouted at her brother and his friend as they sped down the road.

- "Eee?! It's not fair! You didn't wait for the start!!" Mikey shouted running to his motorcycle.

Draken looked at them smiling from his motorcycle and started too.

"The Sano twins are special. It doesn't matter how violently they argue and fight, they would give their lives for each other at any moment. Must be nice to have such a strong bond with someone." Draken thought.

They stopped on a higher area from where they could see the sea. Emma went to the edge of the cliff that was fenced off and opened her arms to the breeze.

- "Ken-kun, come here, it feels like you're flying", Emma said to Draken who got up from the motorcycle and came to her.

- "October 31st, huh?" Mikey whispered.

- "We will crush those from Valhalla", whispered Katsumi.

- "Have you seen them?"

- "No, I went to their hideout to get Chifuyu, but I didn't meet any of them."

- "Takemichi told me that he called you", Mikey said thoughtfully.

- "Manji-chan, no matter what, I will always be by your side", said Katsumi, lightly punching him in the shoulder.

- "Katsumi...I'm going to kill Kazutora", said Mikey suddenly becoming serious.

- "E? That's my kill, Manjiro", Katsumi said irritated.

- "I couldn't forgive him", said Mikey. "I forgave Keisuke, but not on him."

- "Me neither", said Katsumi clenching her fists. "I will crush his head with my bare hands."

- "Have you talked to anyone about this?" Mikey asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

- "Keisuke knows how much I hate Kazutora, he was the only one who kept me from attacking him", Katsumi said sadly remembering the moment she saw her older brother's lifeless body.

- "Kat-chin, did you try to bring Baji back? "Mikey asked looking at her.

Katsumi blushed a little and straightened her voice:

- "Of course, you told Takemichi that you love Baji."

- "Kat-chin, what's up with that?" Mikey asked smiling, pointing to her cheeks.

- "E? What are you talking about? It's from the sun!" Katsumi said a little agitated.

- "Huh?! Do you like Baji?!" Mikey shouted in surprise, drawing the attention of both Draken and Emma.

- "Whaaaaat?! Has Katsumi-chan admitted that she likes someone?" asked Emma quickly coming in front of her sister. "I would have bet it's actually Mitsuya", Emma said thoughtfully.

- "Mitsuya? I'd say it's Matsuno", Draken said laughing amused by Katsumi's embarrassment.

- "Me, together with Keisuke and Chifuyu, we are the parents of Excalibur-Peke-J! Nothing more, and Mitsuya is just a good friend", Katsumi said blushing.

- "I bet she will marry Mitsuya!" Emma said laughing.

- "No way!" Mikey shouted. "None of them deserve the honour of being Kat-chin's husband! Kat-chin, your husband will have to be able to face me!" Mikey said looking at her seriously. "How else do I know that he can protect you?!"

- "Not even you can face Kat", said Draken, shaking his head.

- "Eee? Not true!" Mikey shouted.

Emma laughed out loud watching the interaction between her older siblings.

- "I love you so much!" Emma said hugging them both. "I am so lucky that you are my older siblings."

Both bowed their heads on one of their younger sister's shoulders.

- "We love you too, Emma-chan", whispered Katsumi.

Then she moved her gaze to Draken:

- "Oi, Draken, if you upset Emma, I'll sent you to Hell!"

- "Katsumi-chan!" cried Emma.

Draken laughed sheepishly.

- "Manji-chan, let's compete!" Katsumi shouted and sped down the road.

- "It's not fair! You didn't announce the start!" Mikey shouted going after her leaving Emma and Draken behind.

The Sano twins arrived at the same time in front of the gate of their house.

- "Equality?!" they both shouted. "I can not believe it! You cheated! What?! I didn't cheat! You cheated!!"

They both started laughing. Sometimes they had the impression that they shared the same mind.

- "We have one more week", said Katsumi entering the house.

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