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** Back to the future **

Takemichi returned to a future where he was one of the executives of Tokyo Manji. He attends a gathering where he, Pah-chin, Yasuhiro Muto, Nahoya Kawata, Hakkai Shiba, Seishu Inui, Hajime Kokonoi and Katsumi Sano were. Chifuyu was standing behind him. He sat down on a chair next to Katsumi who was dressed in an elegant black suit, a silk shirt of the same color and a white neck tie. Her hair was shaved on almost the entire left side of her head, she had several silver piercings on her earlobe and an inverted onyx cross.The relations between those at the table were tense, they kept arguing. Katsumi hit the table hard with her fist and silenced everyone.

- "You behave like kindergarten children!" she snapped at them. "We won't find out who rat a us out if you argue like idiots!"

Hanma was also in the room, and soon Kisaki entered, before whom they all bowed, except for Katsumi who lit a cigarette.

- "You like to be waited on", she said to Kisaki without turning to him. Katsumi looked with disgust at all those who had appealed. Her gaze shifted to Takemichi who was standing shocked and looking at Kisaki. His reaction seemed unusual to her.

"What's wrong with this boy? He suddenly acts like 12 years ago" thought Katsumi. She then shifted her gaze to Chifuyu.

- "There is no need for such formalities", Kisaki told them in a sweet tone.

Katsumi looked at him and stuck a finger in his mouth pretending to throw up.

- "Katsumi-san is the only one who treats me as a friend, not as a leader", said Kisaki smiling. "Takemichi, Chifuyu, can you give me a moment?" he asked them smiling.

- "Oi, Kisaki, you are not allowed to take my boys without talking to me first", Katsumi told him, getting up from the chair and coming in front of him.

"Take my boys?! Are we her boys?! What is that supposed to mean?" Takemichi wondered in his mind.

Kisaki took Katsumi's hand and kissed it.

- "I apologize, Katsumi-sama, will you allow me to take your boys for a discussion?" Kisaki asked in a sweet tone.

- "They are free to choose", she said looking Chifuyu in the eyes.

- "S-sure", answered Takemichi timidly.

"Her boys? Are we under Katsumi? What position does she have?" Takemichi wondered.

Katsumi came in front of Chifuyu, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and tongue kissed him in front of all the other members, then turned to Kisaki:

- "Oi, Kisaki, if you touch a hair in his head, I will cut your fingers!"

Then she started to put on Chifuyu's shirt and tie while looking worried into his eyes.

- "Oi, you, the rest of the delinquents, let's go back to our previous discussion", said Katsumi, sitting down on her chair.

- "Yes Madame!" they all said in unison and bowed before her.

"Katsumi is one of the Toman leaders?" Takemichi asked himself as he and Kisaki left the room where they were all.

Katsumi found out that Pah-chin and Pen-yan were killed and started to look for Chifuyu. She feared that something bad might happened to him too.

A shot was heard from one of the rooms, Katsumi rushed into the room with a gun in her hand. In the room she saw Chifuyu shot in the head on the floor and Kisaki holding a gun to Takemichi's temple. There were two other men in the room whom she shot in the head as soon as she entered. Kisaki turned to her and saw her holding the gun towards him.

- "Idiot! I told you not to touch him!" Katsumi yelled at Kisaki.

- "He betrayed us! Your protégé has betrayed us!" Kisaki yelled at her. "Even you, Katsumi! I did this to protect Toman."

- "You did this because you are a psychopath!" Katsumi shouted at him and pulled the trigger, but at the same time the lights went out and two shots were heard. Takemichi lost consciousness.

He woke up after some time under a bridge with Kazutora and Katsumi who was smoking a cigarette angrily.

- "You saved me, Kazutora, Katsumi", said Takemichi.Kazutora hit Takemichi.

- "We didn't come to save you, we wanted to save Chifuyu", Kazutora told him.

- "He's right", Katsumi told him, trowing the cigarette. "If you, idiot, hadn't agreed to go with Kisaki, it wouldn't have come to this. You had my protection, I stood up for you, all you had to do was say you wanted to stay with me at the meeting and it wouldn't have come to that. Kisaki has no guts to attack me! Regardless of how much influence he has, he can't kill me without being killed, just like I can't touch him for the same reason!"

- "Katsumi sent Chifuyu after me when I was released. They wanted me to help them return Toman to what it was before Mikey disappeared."

- "Katsumi-san, where is Mikey?" Takemichi asked in confusion.

- "Hell knows where Manjiro went!" Katsumi said angrily. "He left me alone some time ago to deal with Kisaki and other idiots like him!"

- "Chifuyu did everything he could to restore Toman as it was before, and what did you do all this time?" Kazutora asked him. "Katsumi gave you protection and all the necessary resources, and you behaved like an idiot. How could you act against her and against Toman?"

- "This moron gave me trouble for many years", said Katsumi, punching Takemichi. "And today he behaves like a brat at the meeting. He treated Chifuyu badly so many times and it doesn't matter how many times I proposed to Chifuyu to take this idiot's place, he always refused... This idiot started giving orders to kill innocent people!"Takemichi flinched in fright.

- "At least now will you help us, Takemichi?" Kazutora asked.

- "Of course, this is not the Toman I love!" Takemichi said.

- "You could have made this decision before you killed Chifuyu!" Katsumi told him. "And me...I'm like dead, I killed Kisaki. Eh, this is the last thing I can do for Toman, make sure my death is not in vain", Katsumi told them.

- "What the?! Katsumi-san, what are you going to do?" Takemichi asked in surprise.

- "I will surrender to Kisaki's people and accept to  be killed before starting a war between their people and mine. The bastard made sure to eliminate my men every time I turned on him. Because of this, Draken ended up in prison. It was an attack on me by Kisaki. He also took Mitsuya from me. It was my fault and I'm sorry I couldn't protect them. Pah-chin and Pen-yan were killed too... Kawata and some others are the only ones I have left."

- "Is that what you meant by 'my boys'? Chifuyu and I along with Pah-chin and Kawata were the only ones on your side?" Takemichi asked in surprise.

- "You really are a fool, how did I end up with you? What did Mikey, Keisuke and Chifuyu see in you?" Katsumi asked slapping her forehead. "Kazutora, you have washed away your sins."

- "Katsumi, what if you hide? If you didn't surrender to Kisaki's men?" Takemichi asked.

- "And to let Hanma and his acolytes kill all those who have ever been on my side? I won't do that", Katsumi said and walked away from them.

- "She saved your ass more times than you know", Kazutora said to Takemichi. "Chifuyu had evidence to imprison Kisaki, he presented it to her, and she swore to protect him with her life, and then you served him to Kisaki. Chifuyu wouldn't leave you to go with Kisaki alone."

- "I'm such an idiot", said Takemichi, starting to cry.

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