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- "It took you a while to finish my motorcycle", said Katsumi standing under an umbrella with a sword behind her back in front of Draken's workshop.

- "I had a lot on my mind", Draken told her.

Katsumi was looking at the building where Draken's shop was. It was the same building where her brother, Shinichiro, died. At first it was hard to her to come to that place, but in time she saw it as a reminder of the good old times when her brother was alive and they all were happy.

- "You know it's hard for me to be without my baby", Katsumi said smiling.

- "Kat, promise me that you will stay away from all this", Draken told her seriously.

- "Draken, both Brahman and Rokuhara Tendai proposed to me to join them a long time ago and I refused them."

- "And Kantou Manji?"

- "Do you think Mikey still wants to see me after what happened two years ago?" Katsumi asked laughing. "Or do you think I want to see Manjiro again? I break his neck in a heartbeat the first time he passes in front of my eyes! You should have given up too, Draken", Katsumi said sadly.Inui stopped his motorcycle next to her.

- "I have bad news. Those guys from Rokuhara Tendai, they're going after Takemichi", Inui said.Katsumi got on her motorcycle.

- "What are you waiting for?" she asked, starting the engine. "Draken, I don't wanna hear you, I have to protect Takemichi, you know that."

Draken sped off, leaving Katsumi behind, who was trying to catch up to him.They reached the area with the toilets in the amusement park. Takemichi was down to the ground holding Senju. In front of them were 4 guys, one of them had a gun. Draken took the weapon from his hand and hit him. Katsumi came speeding behind them and knocked down all those who were standing, the one who was down escaped and ran.

- "Are you okay Takemichi?" Draken asked.Katsumi was breathing jerkily with tears streaming down her face looking scared at Draken. Draken had been shot, she had seen that.

Takemichi looked at Katsumi in shock.

- "Kat, you're giving me headaches..." Draken said sadly.

Takemichi couldn't understand if Katsumi was crying or if water was running down her face.

- "Inui told me where to find you", said Draken.

Takemichi couldn't move. Senju looked at Katsumi with wide-eyed amazement.

- "We should go!" Senju said getting up from the floor.Katsumi was sitting with her head buried in Draken's chest and was crying loudly.

- "Katsumi-san, what happened to you?" Takemichi asked.

- "Takemichi, I'm happy that I saved you", Draken said and fell to his knees while Katsumi tried to hold him. "I'm sorry, Takemichi..." Draken whispered and closed his eyes.

Then Takemichi noticed that Draken had been shot 3 times. He was sure as Katsumi saw.

- "Thank you for everything, Draken", Katsumi said and kissed him on the forehead, then she left his body on the ground and ran to her motorcycle.

- "They shot him in the heart", said Senju, "we have nothing left to do... We should leave Takemichi!"

The look in Katsumi's eyes had changed. It was the look of death.

"This is how Akuma 'the deathbringer' was born. Katsumi could not bear another death. Abandoned by Mikey, desperate to protect us all... she gave in under the pressure" thought Takemichi as he ran away with Senju.

- "Where is Manjiro Sano?!" Katsumi roared, rushing into Kantou Manji's hideout.

A few members looked at her puzzled. They didn't know who the girl was who had just entered. She had a katana on her back, wet hair stuck to her face, wet clothes.

- "MANJIRO!!!!" Katsumi roared.

- "Oi, Kat-chin, stop the hysteria!" Mikey shouted coming towards her. "What happened?"

He looked carefully at her, seeing her cry.

- "Draken was killed by the trash in Rokuhara Tendai!" Katsumi said wiping away her tears.

- "Do I understand that you decided to accompany me today?" Mikey asked her, standing with his hands in his pockets.

Katsumi nodded.

- "Bring a uniform!" Mikey shouted.

** Flash back **

A few months after Mikey and Katsumi fought, Mikey came back home. He found her in a pitiful state, she was thin as a skeleton, her hair was tangled on her head, her eyes were red with tears, her clothes were dirty, she had black bags under her eyes, the whole house was a disaster. She was only half conscious. But when she saw him she smiled and took him in her arms. She started crying. Mikey stroked her head.

- "I'm sorry, Kat-chin, I shouldn't abandon you, you're the only one who understands me. The only one who was by my side in every difficult moment of my life. Forgive me, Kat-chin!" Mikey shouted with tears in his eyes. "Please forgive me! I never wanted to hurt you, you are my Kat-chin, my twin sister, how could I abandon you?! Forgive me, Kat-chin!"

- "I'm here, Manji-chan, everything will be fine", said Katsumi, crying. "Of course I forgive you."

- "Kat-chin, I didn't come here to take you with me, I want you to be free and happy, but I can't stay away from you. I want everyone to be happy, I want others to be free and most of all I want you to be happy. Please forgive me, Kat-chin, but I need you."

- "Manji-chan, I need you too. Now that you're here, everything will be fine."

- "Kat-chin, I want to ask you one last thing, I want you to protect the others from me. I don't let them get close to me, don't let them look for me. I'll hurt them", said Mikey, hugging her.- "I promise, Manji-chan, I promise to keep everyone away from you."

They hugged for a while, then they went to the kitchen. Mikey prepared her some food and a tea.

- "Kat-chin, Chifuyu started sticking his nose where his pot is not boiling. I want you to stop him, otherwise he will get into a very unpleasant situation for him. I know how much you care about him."

- "Of course, Chifuyu is my friend", said Katsumi. "I'll stop them all Mikey. Now that Takemichi is gone, there will be no one to turn them on."

- "Takemichi will have no reason to return, we will protect them all", said Mikey sitting on a chair in front of his sister.

- "Manjiro, promise me that you will never leave me again!"

- "I swear to you."

** Flashback ended **

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