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** A few days later **

Katsumi was leaving the school together with Ariko and Kimiko and they were heading towards the exit from the school yard.

- "That's Keisuke Baji on the motorcycle!", exclaimed Ariko grabbing Katsumi's arm.

Kimiko started to squeal with delight to see him.

- "Katsumi, you are so lucky to be friends with a guy like him", said Kimiko looking at him dreamily. "Maybe one day..."

Katsumi looked at him in surprise and a little frowning. What is Keisuke doing there?

- "You are lying to yourself, Kimiko", Ariko told her.

- "You are rude, Ariko!" Kimiko protested. "Katsumi, maybe you should invite him out with us, maybe that way he'll have a chance to get to know me better."

Ariko put a hand on her forehead and nodded her head disapprovingly.

- "Oh, Kat!" shouted Baji when he saw them approaching him. He was sitting on the motorcycle wearing his school uniform with a loose tie.

- "This guy looks like a dream", said Kimko pretending to faint.

- "And he only has eyes for Katsumi-chan", Ariko brought her to reality.

- "What are you doing here?" Katsumi asked, ignoring her friends' comments.

- "I study here", Baji told her smirking.

- "You are late, the classes are already over", Katsumi told him in a cold tone.

-  "Mom sent me after you", Baji said embarrassed. "She told me that she invited you to dinner and wanted to know if you could come today since she is cooking your favourite meal."

- "You have no chance, Kimiko, they are like married", Ariko whispered to her friend.Katsumi looked at him with her arms crossed. She was thinking whether to accept the invitation or not.

- "And how about the friendship between us?" she asked him angrily.

- "Do you think they broke up?" asked Kimiko whispering filled with hope.

Ariko rolled her eyes.

- "Mom invited Kat-chan, not a member from Toman..." said Baji looking into her eyes. "I can have civilian friends."

- "How I would like him to look into my eyes like that", said dreamily Kimiko.

- "I heard you all this time, girls", Katsumi told her friends while getting on Baji's motorcycle.

Ariko started laughing while Kimiko blushed.

Katsumi hugged Baji's torso and rested her head on his back as they rode the motorcycle to his house.

- "We are home, mom!" shouted Baji entering the house.

- "It will take a while until the dinner is ready!" his mother called from the kitchen. "Katsumi-chan, how about helping Keisuke-chan with his math homework until I finish cooking?" she asked sticking her head out of the kitchen door.

- "Mom, you are embarrassing me!" Baji said irritably.

- "Do you want to repeat the year again?!" asked his irritated mother.

- "Mno", answered Baji embarrassed.

- "Then you'd better ask Katsumi-chan to help you with your homework more often!"

Katsumi was laughing.

- "Oi, Kat, stop laughing..."said Baji irritated.

They both went to his room. Baji nervously sat down at the desk and took out his book and notebook, after he changed his clothes. Katsumi lay down on his bed.

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