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Katsumi and Chifuyu decided to break the news to Baji's mother about her son's death.

- "I can't do this, Chifuyu", Katsumi said with a trembling voice. "How can I tell her that her son was killed in front of me, and I couldn't do anything?"

Chifuyu put a hand on her shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

- "Kat, it wasn't your fault", he whispered. "If you want, you can leave. You don't have to come with me."

- "No, Keisuke was my friend. We had dinner together at his house a few days ago. I can't be a coward and leave you alone."

She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Baji's mother opened the door and looked at her in wonder. The woman shuddered when she saw the tears flowing down Katsumi's face and the wounds on Chifuyu's body. She invited them to enter the house. They both knelt in front of her with their foreheads pressed to the floor.

- "We apologise! Baji-san was killed," Chifuyu said sobbing.

- "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ryoko, that I couldn't protect him", said Katsumi, crying.

Baji's mother fell to her knees on the floor and began to cry. She was shocked, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Two weeks later Chifuyu went to Baji's grave with peyoung yakisoba, as he promised him before he died.

- "What should I do from now on?" Chifuyu asked crying in front of Baji's grave.

Katsumi sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulders, crying too.

- "Take care of me, as he asked you", Katsumi said, sighing.

Chifuyu took her in his arms as they both sobbed.

- "Were you really going to kill Kazutora?" Chifuyu asked her as they left the cemetery.

- "Initially yes, but seeing how much Keisuke cares for him, I gave up the idea for his sake. And then I had to stop Mikey, for Mikey's sake. I can't let my brother bear the brunt of a crime, but he wouldn't have stopped just because I told him to either. But he would have stopped to let me have my revenge. After all, Kazutora killed Sinichiro in front of me, and then Keisuke."

- "Hm..I've just remembered the moment I met Baji-san, he looks like a nerd." said Chifuyu trying to change the subject of their discussion.

- "Oh, I remember that time, he really looked like a nerd and I like a delinquent and even though I helped him with his homework, everyone thought it was the other way around", said Katsumi laughing.

- "Ah, I remembered, two years ago you wore your hair in many braided pigtails. You look pretty badass, and then I saw you with you without the pigtails for a while and soon after that you always had it in a braided tail on the left side of your head like now."

- "Maybe it doesn't make any sense to keep it like that since everyone knows I'm Akuma. Speaking of hair, you looked like a parrot with the hairstyle you had back then", said Katsumi, starting to laugh. "I look a lot better now."

Chifuyu blushed a bit.

- "I helped him write a letter, he was so lost, he had made so many mistakes."

- "He was a headache, but despite all that, I really enjoyed helping him with his homework. I loved spending time with him and helping him learn. I came with him to school the day he was released. I made fun of his hair and his glasses all the way to school, he really wanted to rehabilitate himself, to make his mother proud."

- "Some colleagues informed me that a dangerous delinquent has returned to school. That guy was supposed to be a top guy especially since he was seen with Invincible Mikey's sister and was part of Toman."

- "At that time I considered you a sucker", said Katsumi taking his arm.

- "And I consider you a nerd who wants to look cool."

- "We should thank Keisuke that we met and that we had the opportunity to be the 3 parents of a black cat."

- "After we started spending time together, I really thought you were a great girl to be friends with."

- "How lucky you are, otherwise you wouldn't have had the opportunity to walk arm in arm with Invincible Mikey's sister", Katsumi said with a chuckle.

- "He beat the shit out of the delinquents from Mandala who attacked me", said Chifuyu deep in thought.

- "After that he gave you a place to his division. You joined Toman around the same time when I decided to join Mikey's gang."

- "Huh? I thought you were already there for a while", Chifuyu said.

- "Neah, all this happened shortly after Shini-kun's death, and I decided to join Toman to protect Mikey."

- "I think I should take you home", said Chifuyu, "shortly we have the meeting at the Manji Temple."

Katsumi agreed and got on the motorcycle with him. She dressed in her uniform, only this time she didn't put a mask on her face. She got on her motorcycle and left for the temple.

She sat bored on the stairs and looked at the people around her, waiting for Mikey to arrive. Some of the members were still looking at her amazed not believing that Akuma had been Mikey's twin sister all this time. Some of them had just found out that she was their leader's sister.

Takemichi came dressed in his new uniform to the meeting. Katsumi smiled when she saw him because it seemed like he was wearing it awkwardly, as if it wasn't something he was used to.

- "The meeting will start now", announced Draken. "We have some important news."

Katsumi stood up from the ladder as Mikey approached the others followed by Valhalla's Hamna and Chifuyu. They all looked at him in amazement. Katsumi was angry because Mikey had once again made a decision without talking to her, he had only informed her that Hanma from Valhalla along with many members from Valhalla would join their group when she arrived at the temple.

- "We are here to conclude bloody Halloween", Mikey spurred. "Toman vs Valhalla, although we were outnumbered, 150 against 300, we won. Hanma from Valhalla has something to convey to us."

- "Valhalla has never had a leader, and as a consequence of our defeat, we will join Toman. Valhalla is now affiliated with Tokyo Manji."

Everyone started chanting Toman's name.

- "This one is due to Kisaki Tetta whom I will invite to come forward", Hanma continued.Kisaki went up next to Mikey and shook hands with him. He exchanged a glance with Katsumi who was throwing knives from her eyes.

- "I have another news. As you know, the leader of the first division died during the confrontation, now I will call the vice captain of the first division  to make the next announcement", said Mikey.

- "Considering that I led the first division shoulder to shoulder with Keisuke Baji, it is my decision who I will follow next. Takemichi Hanagaki, I call you the captain of the first division", Chifuyu said.Katsumi smiled and looked at him approvingly. At least Chifuyu talked to her about the decisions he wanted to make.

- "Takemichi, I think this is what our leader Baji-san would have wanted, so I decided that Baji-san left this responsibility to you."

- "Takemichi Hanagaki, raise your hand and give us your answer", Mikey shouted.

- "I will do my best!!!" Takemichi shouted and bowed.Katsumi chuckled softly.

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