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- "Just to understand it better, you came back to save Mikey and also ran away on your wedding day?" Katsumi asked.

She was in the high school yard with Takemichi and Chifuyu. Chifuyu had informed her about Takemichi's return. Katsumi was dressed in her school uniform, her hair had grown and she wore it loosely on her back, she still had earrings in her ear, but they were not visible because of the hair.

- "Oh, Hina will kill you!" Katsumi said laughing.

- "I already talked to her about it", said Takemichi.

- "Takemichi, I appreciate your devotion to Mikey, but maybe you should have kept your distance from the Sano family's problems."

- "Did you really abandon Mikey? Even you?!" Takemichi asked in surprise.

- "Mikey doesn't want me around him, why would I bother?" Katsumi asked looking at him. Takemichi felt his blood freeze in his veins.

- "But he's your brother, we need to talk to Mikey!" Takemichi shouted. "You can't abandon him!"

Katsumi did a pirouette and stopped her foot behind his head just before hitting him.

- "Takemichi, you should have staid in the future and be happy with life! The problems of the Sano family are the problems of the Sano family!"

- "Katsumi, your underwear can be seen", Chifuyu told her, sitting near her in such a way as to cover her.Katsumi put her foot down.

- "Stay away from problems, Takemichi", she told him and left his side.Takemichi looked at her until she got on his motorcycle and left, then he turned to Chifuyu who was looking at her sadly.- "What happened to Katsumi? Draken from the future told me that she and Mikey had a bad fight when he decided to leave, that she had a bad depression and that she had a hard time recovering."

- "Mikey attacked all of us, beat the shit our of us, until Katsumi stepped in and they started fighting. She broke Mikey's leg after he broke her arm, but they continued to fight anyway. We barely held Kat. We took a few punches from her until we immobilized her. They said very nasty things to each other. It was as if there were two unleashed demons when they were fighting. After that I thought I was going to lose Kat too", Chifuyu said with tears in his eyes." I slept at her place in the yard several times without her knowing. I was afraid to leave her alone. I thought she was going to kill herself or do something crazy to get Mikey back. I tried to find Mikey and to find out information about him, but I couldn't find anything."

Takemichi looked at him in wonder.

- "Chifuyu, do you like Katsumi-san?"

- "Whaaat?!" Chifuyu said blushing.

- "As a friend, it is my duty to tell you this: tell Katsumi-san how you feel about her, otherwise she will end up together with Mitsuya."

- "Katsumi and Mitsuya?" Chifuyu asked in confusion. "I thought you would tell me that we were together again... like the last time you traveled to the future."

- "I changed the past... you have to tell Katsumi how you feel!" Takemichi told him placing his hand on Chifuyu's shoulders.

- "It's too early, I thinks he's still thinking about Baji-san."

- "But..."

- "What plans do you have Takemichi?" Chifuyu asked, changing the subject.

- "To save Mikey, as I said before."

- "But how will you do that?"

- "Do not know yet..."

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