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The next day Mikey went with Emma and Katsumi to their brother's grave. In front of the grave, they saw Takemichi and Inui holding a guy by the collar of his clothes.

- "What happens here?" Emma asked.Katsumi stood in front of Emma next to Mikey. She looked carefully at the one Inui was holding by the collar and realized that it was Izana.

- "Mikey-kun, are you visiting our brother's grave together with our dear sisters?" Izana said.

- "Izana, there is no need for any conflict", said Katsumi coming towards them.

- "Katsumi-chan, I've been waiting for you for a long time", said Izana.

- "Takemichi, get Emma out of here", Mikey said in a serious tone.

- "Izana, we can solve this conflict without fighting", said Katsumi, standing in front of him forming a protective shield between him and Mikey.

- "Katsumi-chan, you are as cute as I remembered. I can't believe that you put several dozen of my people in the hospital", said Izana, smiling.

- "Your people should learn not to mess with me", said Katsumi.

- "Tonight at 8, on the 7th pier with all your group. It will be the final battle between Toman and Tenjiku", said Izana.

- "Izana, you can stop this", said Katsumi.

- "Katsumi-chan, I will order my men not to kill you, but there is nothing you can do to stop this conflict. This is my way of saying thank you for being so nice to me many years ago."

- "Izana, I wanted to see you again", said Katsumi, looking him in the eyes.

- "This does not change the past", said Izana.

Mikey was tense, he didn't like that Katsumi was so close to Izana, but he couldn't pull her away from him either. He looked at his twin sister sadly as every time she had turned herself into his human shield. How did he bring Katsumi to the point where she would become his shield? Was Katsumi not at all afraid for her life?

They heard a motorcycle speeding down the road, and then Takemichi screaming. Katsumi looked menacingly at Izana and started sprinting with Mikey towards the road. They saw Emma in Takemichi's arms with a broken head. Katsumi started screaming and went to take Emma from Takemichi's arms. She lifted her in her arms and screamed with tears in her eyes:

- "Izana, you bastard!!! Why did you attack my Emma?! What wrong did my Emma to you?! Izana, you can tell your men to kill me, I will behead you all! None will escape alive from my hands!!"

Takemichi looked at her scared. Her eyes were full of hatred again, he looked death in the eyes.

- "I'm sorry, Mikey-kun", said Takemichi. "A motorcycle came and someone hit Emma."

Inui and Izana both came out of the cemetery. Izana left as Katsumi roared. Mikey took Emma on the back.

- "Mikey, Takemichi, take care of Emma. Inui, come with me!" Katsumi said and started to chase in the direction Izana went.

- "Katsumi, wait!" Takemichi shouted.

- "No, Takemichi, leave Kat-chin be, we have to take Emma-chan to the hospital." said Mikey.

Katsumi ran chaotically through the streets trying to find a trace of Izana, but without success.

- "Katsumi-chan, I think we'd better go back", Inui told her. "Your siblings need you."

Katsumi fell to her knees on the street and cried loudly.

- "Emma-chan...first Shinichiro, then Keisuke, now Emma-chan, I couldn't protect any of them. Mikey... I have to protect Mikey no matter what."

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