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** Back to the future **

Takemichi went with Noato to visit Draken and get more information about the fight between Toman and Valhalla.

- "What do you mean you don't remember how Kazutora died? You were there, and this was gruesome..." said Draken.

- "Can you tell me, please, how it happened?" asked Takemichi, embarrassed.

- "Mikey hit him until his face became mushy, and after that, Akuma took Kazutora's knife and gutted his dead body...and then pulled out his insides. That was hard to watch. You puked when you saw that..."

Takemichi and Naoto were shocked. Both of them decided that they had enough information and left.

- "Naoto, what information do you have about Katsumi Sano?" Takemichi asked.

- "Katsumi Sano? Who is she?" Naoto asked, confused.

- "She is Mikey's twin sister."

- "Twin sister?! I didn't know about that."

After a few hours of research.

- "All I could find out about Katsumi Sano is that she was an exemplary student, and after college she moved from Japan to Europe to continue her studies. There is no connection between her and the Tokyo Manji group; there was no violent altercation in which it is known that she participated. She was a decent and reserved girl."

Naoto showed him some pictures of Katsumi dressed in her school uniform with her hair in a braided ponytail on the left side of her head; another picture with the same hairstyle showed Katsumi smiling and holding her college graduation diploma.

- "It is impossible!" Takemichi said it in shock. "Katsumi Sano is Akuma, Mikey's second in command, along with Draken-kun."

- "Is this girl Akuma?!" Naoto asked in surprise. "I have information about the bloody Akuma, but no one has ever found out his identity. Akuma was Mikey's shield, Mikey's protector. The police are trying to identify and arrest Akuma after a yakuza holdup in which he beheaded 10 people while laughing hysterically. He is a beast with a katana. Akuma is a suspect in many other crimes because the victims deaths occurred after beheading with a katana."

- "I should have asked Draken-kun about Katsumi-san as well", said Takechimi, putting his hands on his head.

- "I doubt that he would have told you anything. Akuma saved Draken's life. Katsumi Sano, the model student, is Akuma, 'the deathbringer'...I would never have guessed", said Naoto. "I don't think that anyone from Toman who knows her will tell anyone anything about her. If for so long no one even mentioned her name, I don't think they will do it now."

- "Where is Akuma now?" Takemichi asked.

- "Wherever Manjiro Sano is, now I understand where this superhuman devotion comes from, they are twin brothers", said Naoto thoughtfully.

Takechimi was looking at some pictures that existed of Akuma. She had the same hairstyle, shaved on the left side with the hair left on the right side. In one of the pictures, she was looking straight into the lens with a frown, as if she knew her picture was being taken. There is no longer a bit of humanity and kindness in her eyes. Takemichi had the impression that he was looking into the eye of death.

- "Katsumi-san is a tough girl, but she is not soulless", said Takemichi, shaking. "What could have brought her to this state?"

- "Maybe it would be a good idea to pay attention to this Akuma", Naoto told him before shaking his hand.

** Back in the past **

The day before the battle with Valhalla, Katsumi took a break from training and went to the grave of her older brother, Shinichiro. She would have given anything for her brother to still be alive. She was walking carefully with her eyes down the cemetery alley towards Shinichiro's grave when she looked up and saw that in front of his brother's tombstone was Baji.

- "Keisuke", she whispered slowly approaching him.

- "Oh, Kat, I'll go now", said Baji, getting up from the grave and walking towards her.

- "No need for that", said Katsumi.

Baji stopped in front of her. He looked at her sad eyes in which tears formed.

- "It's not my place here now, Kat, I'm leaving."

Katsumi grabbed him by the back of the Valhalla bomber jacket he was wearing.

- "Keisuke, if anything happens to you tomorrow I will never forgive you..." Katsumi told him.

- "I know, Kat, and also if anything happens to someone that you care about from that list of you because of me."

- "You are also on that list too..." said Katsumi, clutching his jacket tighter.

Baji turned to her grinning, but stopped when he saw that tears had started to flow down her face. Katsumi buried her head in his chest as she cried quietly.

- "I hate you, Kat, why are you like this?" Baji asked patting her head.

He gently lifted her chin with his fingers and kissed her.

- "Goodbye, Kat", he whispered when he separated his lips from hers.

Katsumi put her hands on his shoulders and kicked him in the private area.

- "That's because you beat the shit out of Chifuyu!" she snapped at him. "And because you always kiss me and then say goodbye..."

Keisuke was writhing on the ground in pain.

- "You will leave me without heirs!" cried the boy.

- "You deserve it! You are embarrassing me in front of my brother's grave!" Katsumi told him in a low tone and turned her back on him.

She sat down in front of her brother's tombstone and began to pray. Baji looked at her for a few moments and then got up from the floor and left.

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