Cap 5

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Mikey, Draken, Pah-chin, Pen-yan and Katsumi were in an abandoned warehouse.

- "Mikey, I don't like missing school", Katsumi told him irritated. "What was so important that you asked Draken to bring me here?"

- "I can't be seen without my vice-leaders", Mikey said seriously.

Pen-yan looked at them puzzled. He knew that Katsumi was Mikey's twin sister, but he didn't understand what Mikey was referring to his vice-leaders. Before he could say anything, Takemichi stormed inside the warehouse.

- "What is it, Takemichi?" Mikey asked.

- "We are in the middle of an important discussion", said Draken.Katsumi leaned against a pillar of resistance near that she had left her schoolbag.

- "Can you stop the fight with Moebius?" Takemchi asked timidly.

"What's wrong with this boy?" Katsumi thought.

Takemichi looked at her curiously for a moment, then turned his gaze to Mikey.

- "This conflict, I can't say too much, but someone behind is orchestrating all this", said Takemichi looking at Mikey.

"What does he mean?" Katsumi asked herself, looking at him intently.

Pah-chin grabbed him by the hair and knocked him to the ground.

- "Stop with the nonsense and leave!" Pen-yan told him.

- "You can't fight with Moebius, Toman will hurt her!" Takemichi yelled.

- "What do you mean?" Katsumi asked coming up near her twin brother, Mikey.

Pah-chin started hitting him and yelling at him.

- "Takemichi, we're going to fight Moebius", Mikey said with a serious voice.

- "You don't understand", insisted Takemichi.

- "I decided, we will fight with Moebius." said Mikey.

- "What is there to understand, Takemichi? What do you want to say?" Katsumi asked curiously.

- "I won't give up, if we were fighting with Moebius, Toman is done!" shouted Takemichi kneeling with his head down.

Pah-chin wanted to hit him again, but Draken stopped him.

- "Maybe it's not a bad idea to see first what's the matter with Moebius", said Draken.

- "Ken-chin, are you against Toman?" Mikey asked.

- "No way!" Draken defended himself.

- "Takemichi, be more explicit. I need more information from you", said Katsumi.

- "I'm sorry to interrupt your little gathering, but I keep hearing you saying "Moebius". Can you repeat, kids?" They heard the voice of a man who entered the warehouse.

- "Osanai, you bastard!" cried Pah-chin.

- "I'm two years older than you, it's mister bastard for you", said Osanai combing his hair.

- "This is pathetic..." said Katsumi looking at him menacingly.

Pah-chin attacked him, but he had no chance against Osanai. The other Moebius members also entered the warehouse waiting for Osanai to finish Pah-chin. Mikey caught Pah-chin who was barely conscious from the blows he received and went to confront Osanai. Draken came up behind him. Katsumi wanted to get closer, but Takemichi stopped her.

- "Miss, maybe it would be better for you to leave."

Katsumi started to laugh and put her hand on his shoulder and said:

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