Cap 8

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At the next general meeting, the new capital of division 3, Kisaki Tetta, was announced. Akuma was sitting on Mikey's left side and looked at him curiously. Her brother had not told her anything about that decision. He announced to them that they will go to fight Valhalla.Kisaki bowed to Mikey and left with his vice-captain and Mikey towards the Manji temple.

- "What the hell is on Mikey's mind?" Draken asked standing next to Akuma.

- "I don't have the smallest idea, now I'm also learning about this decision", said Akuma so that only Draken could hear it.

Draken looked at her in wonder. Since when did Mikey start keeping things hidden from Katsumi?

Out of nowhere, Takemichi rushed towards Kisaki and punched him, surprising everyone.

"Hehe, this boy is starting to earn my respect." Katsumi thought.

- "Takemichi?!" Draken looked at him in wonder.

Katsumi was ready to intervene in case things degenerated.

- "What the hell, Takemichi?! You're not even part of Toman, are you trying to ruin the ceremony?!" Draken shouted at him.

Next to Draken and Akuma, Smiley, Mitsuya and Mutou also climbed.

- "You misunderstood! I just...I just.." Takemichi tries to apologize.

- "Hey, what's going on? Things are getting interesting", Baji said climbing up next to the others and walking towards Takemichi.

"This boy is so screwed" Akuma thought seeing Baji stomping.

- "Huh? baji? Aren't you at house arrest?" Mutou asked.

Baji punched Takemichi until Mitsuya stopped him.

- "Let me go, Mitsuya or I'll kill you!" Baji said.

- "You wanna go bastard?" Mitsuya asked.

Katsumi came between them.

- "Stop it both of you, the conflicts between members are prohibited! If you have a problem, you can solve it with me!" she said in a angry tone, snapping her fingers.

- "Don't make me laugh, Akuma", said Baji looking her straight in the eyes.

Then Baji turned to Mikey and called him.

- "Why are you here, Baji? You've been banned from our gatherings", Mikey told him.

- "I just punched another shitty brat", said Baji, grinning, showing his canines. "Considering I ruined your little gathering, are you going to kick me out this time?"

- "Keisuke Baji, know your fucking place!"Akuma snapped at him.

- "I'm leaving to join Valhalla", said Baji looking at Mikey. "You don't need a trouble maker like me around, right Mikey? I quit."

Akuma grabbed his arm:

- "Review your behavior, Baji!"

- "From now on, the captain of the first division, Keisuke Baji, will be Toman's enemy", he said, looking Akuma in the eye.

He leaned towards her and whispered:

- "Let me go, Kat, there's no need for any more conflicts."

Katsumi squeezed his arm tightly and then let him go. Baji left with his hands in his pockets. Akuma exchanged a look with Mitsuya who seemed unconcerned, then looked through the crowd for Chifuyu who was looking worriedly at Baji. She ignored all the discussions around her, she knew that Mikey was behind her, and anyone who wanted to approach him, should have passed by her first. She wasn't even paying attention to how Kisaki Tetta was hitting Takemichi, she was only looking at Keisuke who was leaving. Then she remembered: probably Kazutora had been released from juvie. She clenched her fists and jaw, she wanted to run after Baji and beat him up, but she couldn't do that. Her position did not allow her, she had to always stay by Mikey's side

After everyone else left, she stayed with her brother until Takemichi woke up after passing out from Kisaki's punch. Mikey told Takemichi about the founding members of Tokyo Manji and his friendship with Baji.

- "Mitsuya, you can go out, I see your silver hair", Mikey said looking towards a shadowy area.

Mitsuya came a little embarrassed to them. Katsumi looked at him curiously.

- "I was looking for the bathroom and I heard someone talking", said Mitsuya.He looked at Katsumi who was visibly irritated that she still had to be there.

- "Perfect timing!" Mikey said. "I'm putting Takemichi in your division."

- "What the?!" Mitsuya asked in surprise.

- "Takemichi, you are an official Toman member now," Mikey told him. "Welcome on board!"

- "I am so excited to work with you!" said Takemichi, starting to bow to Mitsuya.Katsumi was looking forward to leaving the meeting place, Manji Temple. She got on the motorcycle with her brother and they went home.

Takemichi stayed at the temple after the others left and found a talisman with a picture inside with Mikey, Draken, Pah-chin, Mitsuya, Baji and another boy he didn't know. They were all much younger. On the back of the photo was written "Fuck you! Love Kat"

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