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** Few days later **

Takemichi received a motorcycle as a gift from Mikey, which he fixed on together with Draken and Katsumi.

- "I got my hands dirty for you", said Katsumi, putting a hand on Takemichi's shoulder. "Take care of it."

After Mikey taught Takemichi to drive, Takemichi met Katsumi and Chifuyu by the river.

- "What are you planning to do next, Takemichi?" Chifuyu asked him. "Black dragon are under our command, Kisaki and Hanma have been taken out of Toman. You have completed your mission."

- "Will you go back to the future now?" Katsumi asked him.

- "Your home is 12 years in the future, not here", said Chifuyu. "I guess we were saying goodbye."

- "Chifuyu, Katsumi, thank you for everything!" Takemichi shouted.

- "Thank Chifuyu", said Katsumi, "not me".

- "Chifuyu, you are the best friend I ever had. I wouldn't have succeeded without you!"

- "See you in 12 years", Chifuyu told him.

- "Takemichi, if you ever come back here, make sure you investigate all of us, plus all the other known leaders from other gangs. If you want, I can give you a list of names."

- "Katsumi, you're ruining the moment..." Chifuyu told her. "But it's a good idea."

- "So? Do I make the list for you or will you manage it?" Katsumi told him.

-  "I think a list would be useful", said Takemichi.

** Back to the future **

Takemichi returned to the future to find that all his friends had been killed. He had received a letter from Mikey telling him to meet him in the Philippines at the place where Shinichiro had found motorcycle parts many years ago.

He traveled with Naoto, he met Mikey who asked him to kill him, after he confessed that he killed the others: Draken, Chifuyu, Mistuya, Hakkai.

Mikey on top of Takemichi and threatening him with the gun when he heard a shot. He saw Naoto with the gun in his hand and Katsumi shot in the chest falling on the ground. Mikey suddenly turned to Naoto who shot him in the head. Takemichi took Mikey in his arms and was crying. Naoto noticed that the safety from the gun that Mikey was holding in his hand was placed. Katsumi tried to turn around while crying. It was quite difficult for her to breathe. She had been shot in a lung.

- "Manji-chan..." whispered Katsumi trying to crawl towards Mikey and Takemichi.

- "Katsumi-san?" Takemichi said looking at her.

Naoto came to her and helped her get to Mikey.

- "Katsumi Sano, I'm sorry, I never intended to kill you", said Naoto.

- "It doesn't matter anymore... "whispered Katsumi. "In the end I didn't manage to protect Manji-chan... I'm sorry, Manji-chan, I couldn't help you..." she said with difficulty taking Mikey's hand.

- "Katsumi-san, what are you doing here? How did Mikey end up like this?" Takemichi asked.

- "Takemichi-kun...Manji-chan left me many years ago...I didn't know anything about him anymore...I followed you waiting for you to come back in the future...I was hoping you could help me save Manji-chan...Do not bother to call for help, policeman", Katsumi said looking at Naoto. "We were born together...we will die together...this is fate..."Katsumi closed her eyes.

- "Katsumi-san! Mikey-kun! I will save you both!" Takemichi shouted while crying. "Katsumi-san...Katsumi-san protected him until the last moment...Naoto, I have to go back in time and save them both."

** Back to the past **

- "E? Is that Takemichi hitting that wheel like crazy?" Katsumi asked in surprise.

She was walking together with Chifuyu under the same umbrella through the rain.

- "What are you doing here, Takemichi?" Chifuyu asked in surprise.

- "This is not how you train properly, you idiot, you don't even know how to hit properly. Look, I'll help you train", said Katsumi.

- "I can't stop, if I don't get stronger, the future won't change!" Takemichi shouted.

- "Wait, you are Takemichi from the future", said Chifuyu.

- "Tell us everything that happened", Katsumi told him.

Takemichi started telling them everything from the moment he woke up at Mitsuya's funeral to Mikey's death.

- "What the hell?! We're all dead, and Mikey killed us?!" Chifuyu asked in shock.

- "I can't believe this, Mikey wouldn't do something like that!" Katsumi said scared.

- "Takemichi, you're kidding, right?"

- "Manji-chan would never abandon me!"

- "That's what you think, you jumped in front of the bullet for him", said Takemichi, starting to hit the wheel again.

- "I would do it anytime", said Katsumi.

- "You died holding his said you didn't want us to save you, because that's how it was fated: you were born together, you will die together", said Takemichi, becoming more and more angry.

- "Stop it! It won't help you become stronger by destroying your hands!" Chifuyu told him.

- "Leave me alone, I have to train!"

- "Chifuyu is right, I can train you if you want", Katsumi suggested.Chifuyu pushed Takemichi down.

- "Calm down!" he shouted at him.

- "If I do nothing, how will I save everyone?" Takemichi asked tearfully.Katsumi came with an umbrella in her hand and sat next to him, covering him with the umbrella.

- "I think the only solution is to beat Mikey", said Chifuyu.

- "It's impossible", said Takemichi.

- "Of course, are you of your mind?! Takemichi, did you even investigate the list I gave you? "Katsumi asked.

- "I've lost it..." said Takemichi.

- "You're an idiot", said Katsumi hitting her forehead with her palm. "Our hero is an idiot and a whiner..."

- "There is only one person who can beat Mikey", said Chifuyu looking at Katsumi.

- "That one person died to protect her twin brother", said Katsumi artfully.

- "Mikey said: all my life I have suffered", said Takemichi.

Katsumi felt her heart breaking in her chest. Chifuyu looked at her.

"Does Kat feel the same as Mikey?" Chifuyu thought.

- "I decided, until I become number 1 in Toman, I will not return in the future", said Takemichi.

- "What do you say about those training sessions? Can you at least give me an answer?" Katsumi asked.

- "Thank you, Katsumi", said Takemichi.

- "Takemichi, if I didn't know the reason behind your wish, I would have broken your neck", said Katsumi laughing.

- "We are lucky to have Kat on our side", said Chifuyu.

- "I will try to find out what could influence Mikey", said Katsumi. "Takemichi, did you at least did some research about Emma from the list I gave you?"

- "Emma?" Takemichi asked confused.

- "Emma Sano, you idiot! My sister and Mikey's! How can you forget Emma Sano?!" Katsumi asked him angrily." I would like to be able to travel in time..."

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