The New Kid

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"After the Maze they'll head to the Scorch."

"Are you sure they can survive out there?"

"They're going to have to."

I woke up in a fit, my heart beating out of my chest and my skin sticky with sweat. I breathed in and out heavily. Glancing over at Teresa, I found that she was still in her bed. So, phase two hadn't happened yet. It will probably happen soon. I'll wonder what they'll do to me. Kill me? They haven't tried yet. Or maybe they have and I've just gotten lucky each time. The wouldn't really... The door opened slowly. I quickly pretended I was asleep, pulling the covers over my head, making sure I could still see what they were doing.

"Take her." Chills ran up my spine. I'd heard those words once before. "Check the other one." They were going to find out I wasn't asleep anyways, so I sat up. The man in front of me seemed surprised, his hand was still outstretched to touch me.

"Phase Two?" I questioned.

"Classified." He replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Classified? This is Phase Two. I was a part of W.I.C.K.E.D remember." He licked his lips and shifted his weight a bit.

"We've changed a few.. Protocols."

"What?" I demanded. He grabbed my wrist and a needle sunk down into my arm. I cried out I surprise more than fear. "What are you.." My visions became blurry and my head felt like lead.

"You're part of this now Mallory. Stay Alive, don't tell them what you know and remember W.I.C.K.E.D is good." I slumped back down onto the bed as he uttered that final phrase.


"In the Scorch, they'll face many obstacles." The Creator began in a loud clear voice. I slowly doodled in the margins of my notebook as she spoke. "Obstacles, you will create and let's face it.. Maybe even become." Everyone glanced around at each other nervously. Over dramatic. That's how I would describe her. That's how I would describe our Creator.

"Mallory!" She called out loudly, several heads turning my way. I lowered my hand which had been propping up my head on my elbow. I probably looked bored or tired. She was going to make an example of me, as always. "Straighten up and pay attention." She snapped. I moved into an upright position wearing, a deadpan expression and maintaining eye contact with her. She huffed when there was no outburst from me. This happened too often now for me to care too much.

Sitting in the cafeteria, sipping from my water bottle, someone slid own onto the bench across from me. My table was always empty and when it wasn't, only three people would bother to sit with me. This person was the one I liked most of the three.

"You should really stop trying to piss her off you know?" I shrugged as Aris picked at his lunch.

"Where's the fun in that?" Aris sighed. "Besides, once they start sending people in.. This place will get boring again."

"I always forget you've been here the longest."

"Yup." I muttered. "Born here, raised here.. I'm probably going to die here too."

"No you won't." He was right. If anything, everyone around me would die.


When I woke up again, it was because there was a loud noise at my door. Maybe it was W.I.C.K.E.D leaving. If it was, they were moving pretty slow. Rolling to face the wall, I shut my eyes. Might as well get some more sleep before all hell breaks loose. But it was kind of already too late.

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