Two Lies, One Truth

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Minho was so mad it scared me. I was shaking in my shoes as I stared at him and he stared at me. Nobody had said anything for a solid minute. They were all waiting on Minho, or me, somebody to say something. I would rather have his silent anger.

"Minho.." I breathed out. He let out a strangled scream and turned around, kicking up sand. I stood still.

"If it was anybody else, anybody! I would freaking deck you!" He shouted in my face. I cringed. He screamed again.

"Minho! Stop it! They could hear. The Cranks could come after us."

"I'd rather have them tear my arm off than stand here and..." He stopped, just staring at me. I swallowed hard as he moved closer to me. "Was anything you told us the truth?" He demanded.

"Yes, Minho listen to me." I pitched forward, my legs remembering how to move, and touched his arm but he flinched, moving away from me. My heart felt like it was tearing down the middle.

"Minho, enough." A hand came down on my shoulder. Newt.. He was probably really angry too. "You need to calm down and.."

"Calm down? Calm down! Newt, if she had told us the truth sooner, more people would be alive right now! Look around you." He shouted, gesturing out. Eleven Gladers in total, a half dead Thomas, no Teresa but one traitor. My mouth felt dry.

"It's over! Okay?" Newt shouted at him. "How do you think Mallory feels?"

"Newt stop." I whispered. My fight or flight response was trying to kick in. Everything in me was screaming to run, run away and never look back.

"She knew that if she told us without gaining our trust, it wouldn't go over well. But once she gained our trust, there was no way she could tell us who she was, and what she was trying to do without hurting us." Unable to fight my instincts any longer, I took off running. "Mallory!" Newt shouted as I kicked up sand.

"Malls! Come back!" That was Minho but I didn't stop running and I didn't look back. "Mallory!"

I flew through the sand, silent tears streaming down my cheeks. I brushed at them quickly so I could see better. It was stupid to run really. Minho was a runner, he could chase after me and if he did, he would hurt himself. He was still badly burned from the thunderstorm. But besides that, there were Cranks everywhere that could easily kill me before the rest of the Gladers found me.

"Mallory!" People were shouting my name, chasing after me but I had a head start. My heart hammering in my chest, I barreled around a corner and dove into a building. Checking to make sure I was alone, I broke out into heart wrenching sobs. I brought my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around myself, dropping my head to my knees. If she had told us the truth sooner, more people would be alive right now! He was right, of course he was.

"Come out Mallory!" I stopped crying. They were getting close. Swallowing my emotions, I remained perfectly silent, slowing my breathing and not bothering to move to see where they were.

"Minho you bloody idiot!" That was Newt.

"How the hell was I supposed to know she would take off!" Minho snapped at him.

"You were screaming in her damn face. I'd shucking run too. Mallory!" He shouted for me. The rest of the Gladers echoed his call. But next to my building, I heard a slight shuffling.

"I'm glad she's gone." The voice muttered to someone.

"Don't say that." That was Jeff. "She's a good person. I get why she didn't say anything." I brushed at my tear streaked face. "What would you do in her position?"

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