Thomas: Captivity

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I couldn't see where I was going but girls surrounded me on all sides, making sure I didn't try to make a run for it or something like that. Even if I wanted to, I didn't know how far I would get. They had a girl with a freaking bow and arrows. If she was a good shot, she could kill me. I would die before I hit the ground.

The terrain was rocky and I often found himself tripping over something or stumbling into someone else. The girls pushed me around like a rag doll until I fell back in place, continuing to trudge along. I didn't dare ask questions or talk to any of them. I couldn't see them properly anyways and nobody was exactly exchanging conversation with one another.

What I could see through the brown bag over my head was the fading light and the heads of the girls in front of me. The mountains were closer now. We could probably reach them by nightfall. It was at the base of the mountain where the problem began. The girls couldn't cover me on all sides and walk up the steep grade together. So instead, they assigned a girl to lead me up.

"If he happens to fall off the cliff, don't bother in trying to save him." I sighed. That was Teresa. Why was she being like this? She had told me last night to trust her but it was kind of hard right now seeing as she seemed to want to kill me and not want anything to do with me either.

The girls who helped me up the mountain interchanged and every now and then, I slipped, and feared that I was going to fall over the edge of a precipice. Sometimes, steady hands would right me, other times they wouldn't. I tried to pick out the girls who helped him so I could try to sway them into letting me go later but their features were blurry through the fabric and besides that, it was getting dark.

"Are they even following us? We don't have to go this fast." I finally said, unable to help myself.

"We're waiting until they can't see us anymore. We're not idiots." I was surprised by the voice. Was this Sonya? The girl Mallory had called out. Thomas turned his head to look at her. Her hair was definitely blonde but there were a couple blonde girls in Group B. She might not be Sonya.

"Alright, we'll rest here for the night. Tie him over there and remove the bag." Teresa ordered. There were several sighs as the girls seemed to awaken as if from a deep slumber. Slowly, I could hear their hushed voices taper off as several people directed me to the right.

"What are you tying me to?" I asked.

"Shut up." Came a harsh voice so I shut up. It felt like I was being tied to a tree. When the bag was removed from my head, I was faced with a sneering girl of Spanish decent. Her brown hair had blonde streaks in it, something that surprised me. Did she do that herself? I began to look out at my surroundings as the girls dispersed around me.

Teresa stood just at the entrance of a cave, glaring at me. I cleared my throats and continued to scan this new area. We were shielded off up here by some deadly jagged rocks. I couldn't even find the path we climbed up here. I swallowed hard. How dangerous was this walk up here?

I scanned the faces of the girls slowly. They all looked to be around the same age, with varying heights and skin tones. I began to wish Mallory had given descriptions of these girls before this happened. It would have made recognizing them easier. I didn't like not knowing any of their names when they all knew mine. The only person I was able to pick out wa Sonya and she was eyeing me incredulously. In fact, a lot of the girls were eying me warily. I couldn't understand why though, they had the weapons and I was tied to a tree.

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