Warning Labels

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Thomas walked into the building and he hadn't come back out. Minho was kicking up rocks and pacing while everyone else stood and waited. Aris was standing next to me and I was just itching to run towards that damn building and see what had happened to him myself. If he didn't come out soon, I just might.

"So Teresa was like me?" Aris asked. "Comatose and raving about W.I.C.K.E.D in her sleep?" I nodded my head slowly. How did he know? "Thomas and I swapped stories and I've talked to some of the other guys. Our Glades are pretty much the same." Aris shrugged. Well that explains it. "What I still don't get, is you."

"Me?" I questioned, trying not to sound amused. It came out more deadpan than anything though.

"Yeah, there was no guy equivalent to you in my Glade. I was talking to some of the other guys and.." He paused.

"What'd they say?"

"They said. Well, you're not going to like it. But you were a mistake. You weren't supposed to be in their Glade, their Maze. They think W.I.C.K.E.D sent you into the Maze to die, except you didn't." Good theory. At least nobody still suspected that I worked for W.I.C.K.E.D. But what was worse, working for W.I.C.K.E.D or knowing everything about it but not saying anything?

"Well, they could be right." I said softly, kicking at a rock like Minho.

"Minho stop your bloody pacing." Newt commanded. "You're making everyone nervous."

"Thomas is making me nervous!" Minho snapped. "He's always gotta run off and be some kind of hero. Why can't he just be a normal scardey-cat like the rest of them?" I knew why he was so frustrated. Loosing Thomas would be a bad thing. He was level headed, a good leader too if he would allow himself to be one. What I knew though, that nobody else did was that if Thomas died, W.I.C.K.E.D would have nothing, they'd have to start al over again from scratch.

Almost like a speeding bullet, Thomas shot out of the building. He was running faster than I've ever seen him run before. He nearly tripped getting to us and we were all tense, gearing up for a fight. "We have to go. Leave now. Get as far away from here as possible." He spoke quickly, out of breath. "Our lives are in danger."

"What the shuck are you going on about!" Minho shouted. "Tell us what happened in there."

"Minho, I'll explain everything but right now, we need to run." Without any other explanation, Thomas took off running.

"Thomas!" Minho shouted after his retreating form. Angrily, Minho spun around to look at us. "Well? You heard him! Move it now." With that, Minho took off. Everyone quickly scrambled for their things before running after Thomas and Minho.

"What do you think happened to Thomas?" Aris asked me.

"I'm not sure. He'll tell us whenever he stops running." Except that didn't happen until two hours later. A lot of the other Gladers fell behind. Minho, Newt, the rest of the runners and I continued long and hard though, pushing forward ahead of everyone else. Minho was still far ahead of us, Thomas as well but when I saw the idiot slowing to a stop in the beginnings of the morning light, I poured on the speed.

Overtaking Newt and the rest of the Runners, I made it to Minho just in time to hear him call Thomas a slinthead. "That's not how we run things Thomas. Why would you run out on us like that? Without any explanation?" Thomas was breathing heavily, squatting on his haunches before collapsing in a heap, looking up at Minho.

"Sorry.. It was pretty traumatizing." He murmured.

"Traumatizing?" I whispered, felling someone's hand come down on my shoulder. It was probably Newt. "What the Hell did you see?" Other Gladers had caught up and were clustering in, trying to hear what Thomas was saying while also trying to catch their breath.

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