A Fate Worse Than Death

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Five days. We had been out of the Maze for nearly an entire week and some of us were already wishing we were back in the Glade. At least we had food there, here we had nothing.

That first day, after we couldn't find Teresa and the bodies had disappeared from the ceiling, we also found out that there was no food. There was nothing in the crates, nothing in the cupboards, nothing in the pantry. "They're trying to kill us." Newt grumbled, closing the last cupboard.

"Who's they? W.I.C.K.E.D?" I asked. Low murmurs travelled through the Gladers. Newt sighed.

"Who else do you think put us here? We never escaped W.I.C.K.E.D." He was right of course, though some of the boys held on to the belief that we were done with W.I.C.K.E.D, that they were done with us but I knew better. There was no escaping W.I.C.K.E.D, unless you ran to death itself. And at this point, all of us were sprinting.

The first day without food wasn't so bad. We had all faced worst. The second day made me a little nauseous. Some of the boys joked about how they could feel themselves getting skinnier or how their stomachs were gnawing at the rest of their insides. We had enough water from the faucets but.. Some of us weren't going to last long without food.

On the third day, I was lying on my back and counting the splotches on the ceiling in the boys dorm. Despite having my own room, I decided not to sleep in there anymore due to the fact that Teresa was now gone and Aris was sleeping with the boys. "You really shouldn't sleep in here." Thomas had said worriedly, glancing around my old room.

"Why?" Thomas sighed.

"I tried talking to Teresa, in my head you know?" I nodded slowly. I didn't know he had done that. "And she yelled at me, told me to get out of her head. She couldn't remember me and she said she would kill me if I tried contacting her again."

"Shuck, Thomas." I said softly, stepping towards him, placing s hand on his shoulder. He just shrugged simply. "I'm sorry that happened. She didn't say anything else?"

"No, she wouldn't say where she was and she sounded.. She sounded mad." Fuck W.I.C.K.E.D. What were they trying to do? Thomas and Teresa were best friends, they couldn't tear them apart.

"What are you looking at?" Startled from my thoughts, I glanced up at Minho.

"The ceiling. I'm trying to contain my boredom by counting the smudges on the ceiling." Minho sat down next to me but didn't look up at the ceiling. "Plus, this is the only position that doesn't hurt my stomach." He grinned before stretching himself out next to me. He put one arm behind his head, the other on his stomach. Why did he have such nice arms?

"You're right."

"I usually am." I replied with a small smile. Neither of us spoke. I licked my lips slowly, remembering that pizza we had the first night here. Pizza... I had never had the luxury. I wish I could taste it again.

"Did you hear me?"

"No, sorry I was thinking about..." I stopped. I shouldn't talk about food. It would just make it worse.

"Yeah, that's what everyone is thinking about." Minho sighed. "Anyways, I asked what you think about all of this. Teresa being gone, the bodies, no food. Who you think we'll have to kill and eat first." I laughed at that last part.

"Definitely Thomas for that last question." I replied. Minho nodded, smiling. "As for the rest of it, I'm not sure. Why just take Teresa? I was right there too. Were those people really dead? Were they holograms? Is there actually food in here but it's invisible." Minho snorted.

"What? It could for all we know." But neither Minho nor I got up to go check on this theory. The food wasn't invisible, it was wishful thinking. W.I.C.K.E.D was just trying to weaken us. Minho cursed a little, shifting on the ground.

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