Mallory's Role

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Thomas was gone for three days. Everyone was getting anxious.

But on the third night, the hanger bay began to open. We all stood up swiftly as the Berg slowly descended and people in hazmat suits began wheeling out Thomas. Newt, Minho and I were the first to greet the masked doctors who updated us on Thomas' condition. "He's stable. The wound is no longer infected and his fever is down. He'll live."

"And now what?" Minho demanded. "You leave us out here to die?"

"Now, you compete Phase Two." One of them replied coldly. Minho made a move towards them but Newt held him back, grabbing hold of the sleeve of his shirt.

"They saved Thomas. We knew we were going to have get across the Scorch on our own anyway." He was right, of course. Minho gave them a death glare anyways as Brenda Frypan and I picked Thomas up and brought him off the Berg. His color was better and he didn't seem to be in pain anymore. I sighed in relief. Now all we had to do was wait for him to wake up.


Nobody would look at me. Not even Minho. He had said he was sorry but that didn't mean he wasn't still angry. I was eating my can of beans alone, far away from the fire and everyone else when Aris got up and began to walk towards me. When he sat next to me, I glanced at him shyly as he stared up at the Berg.

"We know each other right? We're friends? I haven't been able to shake that feeling." I nodded my head slowly.

"I can tell you more about it later." I murmured. Aris nodded.

"I'm sorry about everyone else. They may not trust you but just know that I do." I slowly smiled.

"Thanks Aris. That means a lot." He touches my shoulder lightly before getting up again and walking away. When I glanced out at the fire, Minho was staring at me. I looked away.


"Hey sleepyhead." Clint said suddenly, breaking the semi-silence of the early night. I straightened up quickly and watched as Newt and Minho filled in a sleepily Thomas on everything that happened. Newt glanced back at me once and motioned for me to come closer, join the group. I stood up shakily to do so as Minho said,

"We'll we're about to get a treat Tommy boy. Mallory over there is going to tell us everything she knows." I swallowed hard, glancing up at Minho who was still eyeing me suspiciously but not with any malice or hate.

"Everything she knows. What do you mean?" Thomas questioned, staring back at me as he was handed a can of food.

"He means.. I know everything, remember everything. I'm not like you guys. I didn't wake up in the Maze with no memory, I escaped from W.I.C.K.E.D by going up through the Griever Hole to get to you guys." I explained lightly, sitting down by the fire, opposite of most everyone.

"What.. What do you mean? Escape W.I.C.K.E.D? Aren't they supposed to be helping us? Why would you go through the Griever Hole? Didn't the box work?" Minho hit Thomas.

"Let her talk." He said harshly, gesturing back to me. I licked my lips and sighed, staring at the ground.

"I don't really know where to begin." I said softly.

"Start with the reason you were trying to escape W.I.C.K.E.D." Minho prompted. I sighed. I couldn't tell them the whole truth, they weren't ready for that. I guess I could settle for telling them a truth though.

"I escaped W.I.C.K.E.D headquarters because Teresa told me to." Thomas perked up at her name. "Teresa and I used to share a room together." I paused. Where did I go from here. Did I tell them about W.I.C.K.E.D? About Group B? Why I didn't help them in the Maze?

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