Follow the Leader

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Huh. Jorge. Never thought I'd see him again. I noticed how he specifically didn't look my way as he scanned the small group of us. What had happened to him? He worked for W.I.C.K.E.D. Did he get infected? Get kicked out?

The rest of the boys in the room had all hurriedly stood up, ready for a fight but he was just one man. Or was he? I glanced outside the broken window to see if more people were behind him, outside the building. There was no one.

"Did ya forget how to speak?" Jorge asked, laughing almost manically. "Or are you just afraid of us Cranks?" Nobody spoke. I don't know what we were waiting for. "Afraid we'll skin you or eat you alive?" Wow, Jorge must really be Gone. He was a bit nutty before but this was a whole new level. "Gotta admit, human meat is some of the tastiest meat I've ever eaten."

"You admit you're a Crank? That you're crazy?" Minho spoke up, stepping forward. I touched his arm, ready to pull him away if he started a fight.

"He just admitted to knowing what people taste like. I'd think he's lost his damn mind." Newt said lightly, glaring at Jorge. He just laughed, throwing his arms out in an almost friendly and welcoming gesture.

"Oh come on now friends. I'd only eat you if you were dying. Of course, I might help you get there but.." He shrugged.

"How many of you are there?" Minho asked. That was a pretty broad question though. Jorge just laughed at him.

"How many Cranks? Hermano, we're all Cranks around these parts."

"That's not what he meant and you know it." I was trying to draw his attention to me. See if he recognized me. If he did though, he gave no indication. Maybe he still worked for W.I.C.K.E.D. Was this another test? Jorge just laughed again, beginning to walk around the room slowly, taking everyone in as he spoke.

"You're gonna learn a lot while you're here. About how this city works, the people. The Cranks, W.I.C.K.E.D and how they left us here to rot." He said that last part rather viciously and I glanced over at Thomas and the others as he did. They all looked pretty solemn. "How we were left here to go completely and utterly insane. The Flare, if you don't already have it, you will soon." He chuckled. "It's too late for any of us."

"We already have the Flare." One of the boys spoke up. For the life of me I couldn't remember his name and I hated that. I swallowed hard as Jorge walked towards us, standing nearly a foot from me, Thomas, Newt and Minho.

"Alright, so since you're at a disadvantage, I'll be the one asking the questions. I want to know all about you, why you're here and what in God's name do you want." As soon as he said disadvantage, I watched Minho stiffen.

"Us? At a disadvantage? Last time I checked, there were eleven of us against you. So you better start talking before I beat the answers out of you." And there he goes with the stupid, arrogant comments. I almost wanted to punch him in the face. There could be hundreds of Cranks surrounding the building, up in the rafters, just waiting for a signal form Jorge.

"Now I know, you did not just talk to me like that." Jorge said darkly. Minho stepped forward, shortening the distance between them. I grabbed his wrist, the one that wasn't too burned.

"Minho." I hissed.

"I'll speak to you however the hell I want. You don't scare me and I'm not about to be bullied by some crazy Crank." Jorge had a blank expression on his face. Minho shook my hand away. I was a little hurt by that.

"You have ten seconds to apologize before I fucking kill you." Minho scoffed, glancing back at us. "One." He began. "Two. Three. Four."

"Do it." I hissed to Minho who stood steadfast in front of us.

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