Waiting Game

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Everyone began talking at once, shouting, arguing and I swear I even heard someone begin to cry. "This doesn't make sense." Minho exclaimed. "Why tell us to come out here if there's nothing out here?"

"I think it's more than just that." I sad lightly, touching his arm.

"Well then what is it? Some kind of joke because it's not very funny." Harriet said with a scowl. "Thomas was right. We're just pieces on some big board game. W.I.C.K.E.D lied to us, again."

"Well we need to clam everyone down." Sonya said, speaking rationally. Before that could happen though someone else shouted,

"Look." So we looked and skidding to a stop before our group was Thomas, Aris, and Teresa. I could barely see their faces in the dark but I could almost feel the tension surrounding Thomas.

"Well where the bloody hell have you three been?" Newt demanded. The trio looked between each other almost sheepishly.

"Let me guess.." Minho shouted with a sigh. "It's a long story."

"A really long story." Thomas said with a nod of his head. "We're just glad we caught up to you guys. What made you all stop?"

"Come see for yourself." Raven shouted in exasperation. The crowd slowly parted for them and Thomas, Aris and Teresa made their way down. Thomas looked at the sign, bent down to stare at it and straightened up with a faraway look in his eyes.


"Crap is right." I continued. Thomas ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, we at least all made it here in time." Thomas glanced at his watch. "We have maybe two hours. Maybe they'll send a Berg to come pick us up."

"Or maybe they're shucking leaving us out here to die." Minho exclaimed. There were some gasps and murmurs among the small crowd.

"Don't talk like that." I hissed to Minho. "Everyone's strung out enough as it is."

"Let's just wait two hours and see." Newt interrupted. "You better be buggin right Tommy." Newt clapped his friend on the back and then walked over to the rest of the Gladers who were eyeing Group B wearily. "All right you shanks! Listen up!" Newt called out, drawing some of the girls attention.

"You guys have a weird way of talking." Harriet muttered. "Girls, over here!" She shouted next, separating themselves from Group A, the girls huddled around Harriet and Sonya. I was left standing with Minho, Thomas, Teresa and Aris who I glared at.

"And would you three care to explain what the hell happened?" Instead of answering, Thomas simply walked away, over to Newt and Frypan. Minho scowled at Teresa before following Thomas. Teresa looked a little deflated and I would have stayed to talk to them except I had a feeling Thomas was going to tell his side f the story right now and I wanted to hear it from him first before Teresa and Aris told me theirs. I sat down just in time to hear it.

Thomas explained how everything Teresa did was fake, none of it was real. The house where Thomas admitted, finally, that she kissed him, the wanting to kill him bit. Even Aris had a small role in this play. He explained how they threw him into some sort of room with a green door and how he blacked out after some sort of gas poured into the small chamber. "I don't know what they did but Teresa and Aris said that W.I.C.K.E.D made them do it."

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