Safe Haven

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We were able to reach the base of the mountain in the early hours before dawn. Everyone was fairly relieved that we had done so and I patted the side of the mountain like I would a pet dog. "Do we press on?" Newt asked, coming up to Minho and I. "I know you don't want those girls to kill Thomas.. But they might have done it by now."

"We didn't pass a body on our way over here in case you didn't notice." Newt shrugged at Minho's reply.

"Doesn't mean much. They could be killing him right now. We could find his body discarded on some mountain side." So optimistic. I interrupted the boys before they could start fighting.

"He's fine. Trust me. What we need to focus on is some place to rest for a while."

"And the fact that we're low on food." Frypan said, coming up to our huddle. "We're not going to last out here much longer."

"Hopefully we won't have to."

"Is the safe haven really beyond these mountains?" Newt asked, pointing north in front of us.

"Not sure. I don't know everything remember? But.." I paused. "I don't remember talk of a building being out here run by W.I.C.K.E.D." Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. They became disheartened by my new piece of information. "Not that there can't be one." I amended. Newt and Frypan dispersed while Minho sighed.

"Well, lets scout ahead. Maybe we can find some sort of cave or something." I nodded my head while Minho informed everyone of what we were going to do. Then, taking my hand, he led me to a narrow pathway, footprints littering the ground.

"At least we know they were here." I pointed out, nodding to the ground.

"Somehow that thought doesn't comfort me." We walked along quietly, occasionally having to let go of each other's hands because the path was too narrow. Minho was always the first to come back to me though which made me happy. After about five minutes, we stopped walking and looked down. We had gone maybe thirty feet up. The ground had leveled out more up here and we were able to see the rest of our group down bellow but not much else. "I wonder how so many of them survived." Minho spoke up suddenly. "Twenty girls. How did we not see them this entire time?" I sighed, turning to face him.

"Remember the tunnel we came out of, the one we got transported to through that Flat-Trans?" Minho nodded slowly. "The girls tunnel was longer and went under the city. There were spots for them to come up to the surface but I'm assuming most of the time, they were down there." Minho cursed.

"And you knew this?"

"I knew of it, not where it was. They've probably been facing different variables than us."

"I hate this shuck talk of variables and trials. It's all so shucking messed up."

"I know it is but W.I.C.K.E.D believes they're doing the right thing."

"Do you still think W.I.C.K.E.D is doing the right thing?"

"I'm honestly not really sure about anything." Minho sighed, pulling me into him and hugging me tightly. "Everything is going to be fine Minho. We'll find Thomas, join up with Group B and get the cure." He sighed against me.

"Yeah, you're right." He pulled back a little. "So how about that kiss?" He asked with a smirk. I leaned in, wasting no time. The moment his lips were pressed against mine, paired with the notion that nobody could see us from up here, made the two of us a little crazy. I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt as his hands ran down the sides of my body. "God Mallory." He whispered, his fingertips brushing the skin above the waistband of my jeans.

"We really should be looking for a palace to rest." I whispered back as he kissed my jawline.

"They can wait." He put his lips back to mine hungrily and I let him kiss me for a moment or so more, my hands in his hair.

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