Helping Hands

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When Thomas and Jorge appeared and Thomas wasn't maimed or hurt in any way, I took that as a good sign. The rest of the Gladers and I stood up, waiting for the verdict. "All right everyone!" Jorge called out, gaining everyone's attention. "Me and bird-face here have come to a resolution." I snickered a little. Newt looked at me sternly but Jorge's obervstion was funny. Thomas did kind of look like a bird.

The Cranks moved in on us, herding all of the Gladers into one spot even though Jorge hadn't ordered to have us killed yet. Brenda now had her knife at Minho's throat, ready to slit it at a moments notice. I ground my teeth. Jorge came to the center and put his hands behind his back, eyeing everyone in turn before speaking again.

"First, we are giving these people some food." The Cranks immediately began to grumble but Jorge held up his hand. "I know, I know. Why give these pig nosed people any of our hard earned food but I think they could be of use to us. Give them that pork and beans shit. I'm sick of it anyways." Pork and beans? That didn't sound too bad. Everyone began to relax a little.

"Second, I've decided not to kill the punk who attacked me." Jorge said, heading towards Minho. It sort of felt like there was a 'but' in that sentence. "But, what I am going to do is probably far worse." I shot a look at Thomas but he was stony faced. He had agreed to letting Jorge hurt Minho? That didn't sound like him but then again, it was better than having a dead Minho.

"What the shuck are you talking about?" Minho demanded, trying to move towards Jorge but Brenda pulled him back. Jorge just started to laugh.

"Well hermano, after we get you and yours fed, you're going to face some punishment for attacking me." If Minho was scared, he certainly didn't show it.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" He demanded. Jorge seemed glad that Minho had asked as he walked towards him.

"Well, since you punched me in the face with both fists, I'm going to cut off a finger from both hands."

"Like hell you are!" Minho shouted. At least he wasn't stupid enough to move against Brenda. The knife was drawing blood at his throat. "You agreed to this Thomas?" Minho demanded.

"I told him to punish you, not kill you. I didn't know what he would do." Thomas argued. He looked pretty genuine as he said this. Minho glared at his friend as I stepped forward.

"Shut up Minho. It's better than loosing both of your hands and it's better than him scarring such a pretty face." I mocked lightly before turning to Brenda. "Get that knife off his throat before I slit yours." I threatened. Brenda looked unamused by my words and instead, looked to Jorge. One nod from him and she let him go. Minho walked back to us, rubbing at the blood that had accumulated from the small cut.

"Thanks princess but I can take care of myself and there is no way we are following these shucking people, eating their food and letting them cut off my fingers." Minho said, clenching his fists.

"Yeah well you deserve it. Don't be a jerk, don't do anything irrational and pray that he only cuts off two of your fingers and not both of your thumbs. You actually need your thumbs." I hissed. Minho glared at the ground, knowing I was right but he still punched Thomas in the gut when he came to join us.

"Alright, here's the plan. Brenda and I will bring these buffoons to our stash, let them eat and then we'll all meet up at the Tower. Let's say an hour from now. No, noon on the dot and we'll bring food for the rest of you." Jorge ordered, looking around at everyone else.

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