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The night was dark and we were running. We were running because now that the sun was down and we had a little bit more strength. It was also just faster than walking. Minho had suggested it the minute the sun had set. It was kind of hard to see everyone but we managed. The dark was easier to get used to than the burning sunlight.

Around the same time night started to fall though, something else happened that chilled everyone to their bones. Someone started to scream. When I first heard the high pitched sound, I thought I was dreaming or maybe it was heatstroke. Why was somebody screaming and where would it be coming from? When it happened again, everyone stopped running, moving into a slow jog.

"Shush!" Minho said loudly, as we waited for another scream. A minute or so later, it came. I shuddered.

"Who is bloody screaming in the middle of a desert." Newt complained, scratching his head.

"Who cares about who it is. What the hell does it sound like?" Minho demanded. The girl screamed again and that's when I realized what he meant. It sounded like someone going through the Changing. I had heard the sound enough times with Alby and Thomas, let alone sitting in W.I.C.K.E.D headquarters watching the chaos unfold.

"The Changing." Thomas was the only one brave enough to say it. "You don't think Grievers are out here do you?"

"Oh shuck no!" Frypan groaned, running his hands down his face in an exaggerated way. "If we have to face those klunking things even out here, I'll go shucking crazy."

"Cool it Frypan." Minho said forcefully. "Those Grievers wouldn't last a day out here, we barely can. Their skin was so rubbery and moist, they'd dry up and not be able to move." Minho was right of course.

"Then what is that? Some different kind of monster?" Thomas asked. Minho hit him over the back of his head as the Gladers started to panic. Other monsters? Nobody had even thought of that. What if they were worse than the Grievers? What would happen if the Gladers caught up with them? We didn't have any weapons.

"Slim it." Minho shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "We're going to keep heading towards those mountain and I don't want to hear another damn word about it. Okay?" Everyone was quiet. "That girl is gonna keep screaming and there's nothing we can do to stop it." As if on cue, she screamed again. "We can stop again in an hour or two to eat but right now, we need to get moving." Without bothering to make sure everyone would follow him, Minho took off at a steady jog. I sighed.

"Well, you heard our fearless leader. Let's go." I encouraged, running after Minho. Thomas wasn't far behind me and I could hear the other pounding of feet as the other boys followed us. When I caught up to Minho, I matched his steady pace and glanced over at him. He raised an eyebrow at me but said nothing. It was easier to run if we didn't talk anyways.


Our dinner was a somber one, mine consisted of canned corn and an apple. The entire time we ate, the girl continued to scream. "I wish she would shut the hell up." I grumbled, chewing into the core of my apple. Minho chuckled, throwing the rinds of his orange into the dust.

"I think everyone wants her to be quiet." I glanced out at the rest of the Gladers. A lot of them were still scared. Why would she feel the need to continue screaming like that? Those who didn't look scared were annoyed, I was among the annoyed.

"Maybe it's a trick. They're paying the scream on a loop."

"Now there's an idea." He murmured.

"Not a bad one." I argued.

"I didn't say it was." We went quiet again. From the corner of my eye, I watched him wipe his hands on his pants before scooting closer to me. I tossed my apple away. There was nothing left but small bits of flesh, seeds and the stem. "Now, what can you tell me about Aris." He whispered into my ear.

"Careful Minho." I said softly, matching his tone. "If you sit too close to me, it might cause a scandal." I turned my head which was probably a mistake since it only brought our faces closer together. Minho was smirking and I was glad for the dark because it hid the blush creeping across my cheeks.

"Who cares, tell me all the dirt you got on Aris. You two talked a lot when you were together in the desert." I shrugged, looking away from him.

"Not really. The first time we did talk, he was commenting on your leadership skills." I could feel him frown in my soul, I tried to hide my little smile.

"And what did the punk say?" I laughed a little, trying to be quiet.

"I'm kidding Minho. All he said was, 'Minho keeps looking at us.' He thinks we're together or something." I swallowed hard as I said this, nervous. Minho didn't say anything. A slight breeze blew my hair back. I pulled it around so it wouldn't hit Minho. When I looked at him again, he was just staring at me.

"Now, why would he think that?" I laughed when he smiled.

"We really didn't talk much. I asked him about his Glade but those two Cranks interrupted. The only thing I know is, we were friends once Minho. I'm positive. Aris is not a danger to us." Minho pursed his lips and just stared at me like he was trying to figure out if I was lying or not. Minho sighed.

"I'll be the judge of that." He stood slowly and I heard the joints in his knees crack. "Alright you slackers, let's get a move on. Pack up and let's go." I stood with him, brushing the dirt off my pants.

Instead of running with Minho or going to find Aris, I decided to step into line with Newt. He nodded to me as we started and even told me I didn't have to be in line with him. "You're a fast runner and I'm just a guy with a limp."

"Who cares about your limp." I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I've spent enough time with the other boys, I feel like we haven't talked in ages." Newt smirked a little.

"Barely Mallory."

"Maybe I'm just clingy then." Newt chuckled.

"Now that, I know is a lie." We smiled at each other. After that, we ran side by side, quietly. I could see Minho off in the distance, no signs of stopping any time soon and Aris and Thomas weren't that far in front of us, talking in low voices. I wondered what they were discussing.

"Think he'll ever let us sleep?" I asked Newt.

"Maybe you should go ask him. Minho is good at running on fumes. The rest of the boys..." Newt paused and I glanced around. He was right, we were struggling. "Not so much. We're not all runners like him." As if hearing this, Minho slowed before coming to a stop and proclaiming it was time for a bathroom break. I glanced at my watch, he was right. Last time we had stopped for that was maybe five hours back. It was nearly midnight now.

I walked far enough away from the boys so they wouldn't be able to see me and I brought a sheet just because I was embarrassed. I held it out in front of me as I squatted towards the ground. I didn't have much in me to let loose anyways.

When I walked back to the group, I saw that Thomas was pointing and gesturing to a small building not far from our position. It was at least closer than the rest of the buildings in the distance.

"It looks like Teresa." He said softly to Newt and Minho. Startled, I looked back out across the dirt and the dust. Just outside the building stood a girl, black hair flying in the wind around her. It did look like her but.. Who was to say for sure?

"Was she the one that was buggin screaming?" Newt demanded. "Why would she do that?" That's when I realized the timely screams had ceased. Did that happen when she appeared?

"I'm going to go see who it is." Thomas said determinedly, making a move towards the building. Minho grabbed Thomas' shirt.

"And what if it's not Teresa?" He demanded. Thomas thought on it for a second.

"Well if I start crying like a baby, come save me." With that, he took off at a brisk walk towards the building and nobody did anything to stop him.

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