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Thomas made good on his promise and woke us all up after three hours. The Berg was long gone and I sat up groggily as I set my eyes on the mountain range. There was no way we would be able to get there before the sun rose and after loosing most of our sheets and the cover of buildings from the city, our skin would bake once it rose in the sky.

"We're dead meat." I said, walking over to Newt who was one of the only people who seemed to think I wasn't a Traitor.

"Dead and cooked meat." Newt clarified. I smiled a little. "But there's not much we can do. Maybe we'll find something to hide under out there when the sun gets to be too much." I sighed, hoping he was right. We couldn't see that far into the desert but maybe something was out there.

"Here's to hoping." I murmured as we started up at a jog. "It's going to be a long night."


"Hey, Malls." Someone calls out. I glance over at Thomas, running in step with Minho. He motions for me to come over so I cut across and weave through other people to get to him. I watch Minho branch off, turning back around to talk to Newt and it feels like a knife stabs my heart. I guess he doesn't want to be around me.

"What's up Thomas?" I ask, falling in step with him.

"I want to talk to you about something. I tried telling Minho but.." Thomas glances back. "He might laugh at me." I snorted.

"And you thought I wouldn't?"

"I was hoping." Thomas said meekly. "That and.. I need a girls opinion." I glance down at Brenda. They haven't spoken much since Thomas woke up. I wonder if something happened between them.

"You didn't want to talk to Brenda?"

"Well, we were friends first right? And you remember Teresa better than I do." Thomas replies, avoiding the question.

"Okay shoot, what's up?" Thomas touches his shoulder, cringing in pain a little. Poor choice of words. I probably shouldn't have said shoot.

"Teresa talked to me, in my head while you were all asleep and she said some pretty weird things." I frown, my eyebrows furrowing.

"What do you mean?" With a sigh, Thomas quickly explained what Teresa had said to him in his head. Personally, it didn't make much sense. "So she can't talk to you when she sees you and she wanted to warn you to trust her despite what is going to happen next?"

"That's the gist of it yeah." I huffed.

"Why do you two always speak in complicated manners."

"So this is a regular thing for us?" Thomas asked.

"Kind of."

"Great." He muttered.


I may have misjudged the distance a little but I was right when I said we would never make it to the mountains before the sun rose. Thankfully, Newt was also right when he said we might happen upon some sort of makeshift structure. We couldn't have been more than a couple miles out from the bottom of the mountain range but the sun was beginning to rise.

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