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Brenda and Jorge disappeared. I kind of expected them to. They were apart of W.I.C.K.E.D after all. They were more than likely debriefing the Creators on what had happened. I realized then, that jut how we had Beetle Bugs in the Maze, they were the ones spying on us. They were our beetles.

Our meal was a quiet one, nobody really knew what to say. We had been shown to a cafeteria like room where people served us food. Chicken, vegetables, a baked potato. "I was getting tired of beef jerky." Someone said with a sigh, sitting next to me. I looked up to find Raven. "You're Mallory right?" I nodded my head. "I'm Raven." She stuck she hand out,

"Nice to meet you." I said, shaking her outstretched hand.

"Of course." Minho sat down in front of me and then Newt next to him. They all eyed Raven suspiciously.

"Minho, Newt." I introduced for them since they didn't seem like they were going to. Raven nodded to them, smiling a little.

"You're the leader right?" She asked Minho.

"Maybe." Minho replied gruffly.

"Were you a runner? Never met a boy runner before." I smiled a little.

"That might be because of the lack of boys you had in your Maze." Raven shrugged a little, smirking.

"Yeah, maybe. What I really want to know is why there are two girls in Group A and one boy in Group B. I mean, shouldn't we have gotten another boy? What's your story Mallory?" She was always intuitive. She had probably guessed I wasn't part of the plan.

"It's a long story."

"Well, you can tell me in the showers." Newt and Minho chocked on their food. "I meant before we get in. Sheesh." Raven rolled her eyes while the two boys blushed. Slowly, the seats around us filled in and Raven was occupied by Silla. I glanced towards Thomas' table. He was sitting with Frypan, Selena, Alex and two other girls I couldn't recognize at the moment. He wasn't really eating and he seemed to be spacing out. Off at a different table was Aris, Teresa, Harriet Sonya and a few others. Teresa kept looking at Thomas anxiously.


They separated the boys from the girls, which made everyone a bit anxious but Minho most of all. "What if you girls disappear and then suddenly we're in a death match against all of you and none of you remember what just happened.." he began rambling as we were being sorted. I laughed, touching his arm lightly.

"We'll be fine." I assured him. "We're going to go to sleep and then they're probably going to gather us all up again in the morning." Minho frowned, unsure. "I'll see you soon." I turned towards the girls but Minho grabbed my hand. I turned my head just in time for him to kiss me square on the mouth. I blushed red as people began to whisper. Minho pulled back.

"I'll see you soon princess." He whispered, touching my hair gently before letting go of me entirely. Red in the face, I walked towards the girls as I heard several of the Gladers congratulate Minho.

"That your boyfriend?" Silla asked with a lopsided grin.

"We're just.." I was about to say friends but you can't really call someone who just kissed you in front of everyone your friend. "I don't know." Silla merely smiled.


Raven came up to me as we headed for the shower and I knew she wanted to know what I knew so I sighed. "I'll explain it to everyone once we're back in the room." The room, where we were going to sleep tonight, was a long rectangle with bunk beds, almost like the warehouse we had been trapped in before we went out into the Scorch. "Everyone is going to want to hear this.

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