Group B

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They had weapons and we had fists.


I told myself I wouldn't do it, but I couldn't exactly control my body. Despite how hot it was, and the fact that I had just been asleep not five hours ago, I somehow managed to slip into unconsciousness despite how anxious I was. I needed to talk to Thomas as soon as possible, warn him about Brenda and Jorge and there was also Group B to think about and Teresa's cryptic message. The whole thing just made me uneasy. Did Group B know where we were? They had to if Teresa knew that she would see Thomas soon. I didn't know what to make of it and had simply closed my eyes to concentrate, think everything through, but my body had a different idea.


"They're not that bad." Teresa insisted. Eight years old and frowning at me like I was the one who had done something wrong. Meanwhile my nine year old self was breathing heavily, head between my knees as I tried not to have a full scale panic attack on my bed.

"Easy for you to say." I manage to choke out. "They actually like you. Mother Teresa, everyone's favorite little prodigy." Teresa says nothing to this, just stares at the floor of our room.

"They'll like you eventually, you just have to let them.."

"Get to know me?" I demanded, angry now. "They do know me Teresa and they want nothing to do with me. Did you see them? The way those other kids.." I was seeing spots just thinking about it.

"Kids can be cruel but not all of them are like that. Come talk to my friends, to Thomas's." Teresa urges. Teresa's friends? Maybe. Thomas's? Never. Minho was one of his friends. Minho made me more nervous than The Creator.

"You say that like you're not a kid." I mutter, focusing on her first sentence. Teresa looks toward the camera installed in our room.

"Sometimes I don't think we are."


"Hey.. Hey Malls." Someone is shaking me awake and I groan as I try to push them away. "Mallory, wake up." Bringing my hand up to shield my eyes, I look up at Aris grumpily.

"Sorry but you're going to want to see this." He murmured. See what? He stepped out of the way and that's when I realized that everyone was standing up, tensed, waiting.

"What's going on?" I asked as Aris gave me his hand and helped me stand up.

"Group B. They've surrounded us." Which brings me back to my first statement, they had weapons and we had fists. The first thing I noticed about Group B was their preparedness. Their skin was covered, every inch of it. They were even covering their faces, hoods pulled over their heads, dark and light hair spilling out. The second thing I noticed, was the canteens of water slung over their shoulders. Had W.I.C.K.E.D equipped them better than us? The third thing I noticed, their weapons.

Sonya had a bat, metal spikes sticking out of the end. One girl had a length of chain, dried blood staining several links of it. The rest of the girls had metal pipes, rusted knives, there was even a girl or two with bows and arrows, the tips aimed at our chests. Where had they gotten all of this from? The girls eyed me suspiciously as I stepped out with Aris. The sun wasn't setting but it was close to it. If we stayed out here too long, we would burn.

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