Chapter 3

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I probably won't t be updating this regularly.
Chemotherapy sucks. I don't like the needles and the smell of the hospital, I hate how everyone treats you like your already dead. They don't even know me.

But the chairs were comfy and it was nice that they had a huge window. They also had games and several TVs. Everyone seemed happy enough.

But having poison pumped through my veins, that sucked. It was comforting to have Patrick there, yeah I picked Patrick to go with me. He had been more normal around me after we all hung out and talked about it.

My nurse, Pete, was really nice. He hung around us most of the time. He told me about how his dad died of cancer and that's why he wanted to become a nurse. He isn't that much older then us, he's only 5 years older.

Whenever Pete and Patrick made eye contact, Pete would wink at him and smile, which made Patrick blush. It was funny actually. Patrick was always talking about how he thought he wouldn't find anyone. Now look at him, he's got an extremely handsome nurse flirting with him.

"Hey, Patty." I smirked when his face turned red at the nickname.

"Yeah, Tyler?"

"Could you go get me a snack from the vending machine?" I grabbed my wallet and grabbed 2 dollars. "Get yourself something too."

"Ok." Patrick stood up. "Um, where are the vending machines?"

Pete, who was leaning against my chair, stood up fully. "I'll show you. That is if Tyler's ok with being alone for a minute."

"Yeah, I'll be good." I waved them off.

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. The other cancer patients talking and laughing quietly. I was wondering how everyone could seem so happy when they were sitting here, getting chemicals pumped into them, when someone started to drum their fingers against their chair.

I opened one of my eyes to see a boy, around my age, with a pink Mohawk and a nose ring. He was listening to some girl talking and laughed. His eyes were a mocha brown, they seemed filled with happiness.

The boys chair was right next to mine. He looked over at me and smiled. When he smiled his eyes crinkled, making them even more beautiful. The smile showing all his tiger like teeth.

I gave a small, shy, smile. I could feel my heart start to race and my checks burn. He's probably not even gay. But he bit his lip to try and stop his smile from getting any bigger. It was really freaking adorable.

The girl turned to look at what the boy was looking at. It took her a second to see me, but when she did, she smiled. She seemed nice enough.

The boy shooed the girl to the other side of the chair. "Hi, I'm Josh."

I laughed out of nervousness. "I'm Tyler."

He smiled. "Nice to meet you. I would shake your hand but," He held up his arm." All these freaking tubes."

"Nice to meet you too." I couldn't put my hands in my hoodie pocket, so I just kinda put them on my lap.

He put his arm down. "I've never seen you here before."

I nodded. "Yeah, this is my first appointment."

"And he's doing great." I jumped at Pete's voice.

This guy was like a ninja, no where to be seen, then bam, he's here. Maybe it was short people powers.

Josh chuckled. "So you got Pete as a nurse."

I nodded.

"Hey, I'm not bad." He pointed at the girl. "But she is."

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