Chapter 2

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up with a shirtless jimin with a big box in his hands. I stared at him and rubbed my eyes

"What's that?" I ask "You tell me" he said

He placed the box on the floor and went downstairs "There are a few more boxes down here!" He screamed

I got off my bed and opened the box.. "Oh my God" I said while my jaw dropped. It was a monitor for a computer and i think this was the computer that i was asking dad for a long time "Thank you dad" i whisperred to myself

I went downstairs and i found a few more boxes. I guess those are parts. I quickly got all the boxes and delivered it to my room

I opened each box and assembled my dektop

Few hours later..

Finally it's done. What a beauty, This is gonna be a fun week

I already downloaded an anti-virus and few games

It was night time and i got hungry so i went downstairs to get some food and i saw.. Jimin who is making out with a girl on his bed "Ehem!" I faked cough to get the attention of the two "Yah Kim Taehyung fuck off!" He said as they continued making out with the girl

I quickly raided the fridge and ran upstairs

Wow.. I think Jimin is a playboy


1 week later..

I yawned as i went downstairs to eat breakfast and take a bath since it's the first day of classes

I went to the bathroom and took a bath. I shampooed my pink hair and rubbed my body with soap and rinsed off

I went outside and i saw a shirtless jimin looking at me. His hair wass all messy he was rubbing his eyes. Looks like he just woke up

"Goodmorning" He said as he smirked
"G-Goodmorning" I greeted and went upstairs

"Omoooo Taehyung No!" I screamed at myself and put on my uniform. I got my bag and i'm ready to go. I got out of the dorm and walked to the academic building.

As i'm walking a girl walked up to me and introduced herself

"Hello i'm Minah Bang but you can call me Minah" she said

"Hi Minah I'm Kim Taehyung but you can call me V or Taehyung" I smiled as introduced myself

"Where's your class V?" She asked
"Umm... Trigonometry class of Mr. Hanbin" i said "Really!? Yey we're in the same class" She said joyfully "Umm.. Minah so that we don't get confused. I'm gay" I said "I know haha i can tell" She said as she winked. I smiled as an understanding

We reached our class and we sat together

"So V who's your roommate?" She asked "Umm.. Park jimin" Her jaw dropped as i said Park Jimin "Omooo You're so lucky Taehyung you knkw that!?" She quietly screamed "Why? What's with him?" I questioned "He just only the most Hottest student here and he's the school playboy" Hah! I knew it. I nodded in response

Our teacher came in and started an introduction as we're in the middle of our class Minah passed a note to me: You like Jimin don't you? :"> what the hell.. I wrote on the note and i wrote Don't be crazy i passed the note and she laughed Yeah right haha it will develop ;) She wrote. I looked at her and laughed mockingly

I really hope it does not develop..

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