Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

"Minah i don't know what to do.. I'm actually inlove with him. Last night i cried myself to sleep" I said as i slammed my face on my desk

"Really?! Hahaha who does that Kim Taehyung hahaha! Do you even know Park jimin? He just cares about sex and that's it hahaha" Minah said

"Help me please~" i begged
"Hmm... okay! Just promise you will do whatever i will say" She said
"Why do i get a bad feeling about this?" I said She just chuckled and faced the white board because ut was time for our lecture to start

I survived the boring class and it's lunch time. So i got my food and went over to a table which Minah was sitting on "Hey" i greeted "So have you made up your mind yet?" She asked "Okay lemme heart it" i agreed as i put a spoonfull of noodles in my mouth "You're gonna seduce him" she said as i choked on noodles "Are you insane!?" I screamed "Uh-Uh you promised to do whatever i say" she said "But don't you think it's a little... how should i put this IMPOSSIBLE!" I said "Why don't we just give it a little try?" She asked "K fine" i said "Yes!! Now here is what your gonna do" she whispered to my ear what i was gonna do. I have a really bad feeling about this..

End of classes
Jimin's POV

I was walking on the hall to my dorm and i heard screaming girls looking at me. I looked at them and winked which made them swoon. The power of handsomeness

I was just going to my dorm from basketball practice and i opened the door and saw Taehyung laying on the couch with his....... White,Flawless,Milky legs.. Wait what!?

"Hi Jiminie~" Taehyung said to me while cutely smiling. What the fuck?
"Hi?" I said confusingly
"Are you hungry Jiminie?" He asked. Wait what's going on?
"Yeah kinda" i said

Taehyung quickly ran to the kitchen and got a bowl of noodles
"Here you go Jiminie" He said while he's eye smiling very cutely. Wait what's happening?
"Thanks" i said while giving him a confused look "No problem Jiminie" he said and ran upstairs to his bedroom.

Wait what just happened?

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