Chapter 22

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Third person's POV

Cloudy day..
Sadness in the atmosphere..

It is now Jimin's funeral

Everybody is wearing black and Some people are crying and sad

Taehyung who is crying really hard on Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook rubbing Taehyung's back to comfort him

The funeral guys are tying coffin to lower it down

Taehyung's POV

"Okay people Umm.. say your goodbyes to your beloved" The organizer of the funeral exclaimed

Jimin's friends and "Relative" lined up on Jimin's coffin to say our last goodbyes

Namjoon's POV

"Hey man uhh.. hope your doing well and now your in a happy place. Thanks bro for everything i owe you a lot, and don't worry we will protect Taehyung like we promised"

Yoongi's POV

"Yo Jimin if you forget about us i will personally kill myself and smack you in the head Nah just kidding" I chuckled "Hope you do good in heaven dude, we'll miss ya"

Hoseok's POV

"Hey shortie haha i'll miss you and your awesome basketball skillsx the team would be nothing without you and maybe there is a basketball league up there.. haha well miss bro, We will keep our promise.."

Jin's POV

"Hey Jimin.. Thanks for everything, thanks for being a good friend and all and thanks for teaching me basketball you and always will be the best, we'll miss you Jimin see ya next time.."

Jungkook's POV

"Hey Jimin i know we've not been really close but we'll miss you especially Taehyung. Thank you for taking care of my bestfriend bye Jimin"

Park Yura's POV

"Hey Numbskull it's meee your sister, yah why did you leave me?! Hope you forgive dad on what he has done to us.. so you can be sent to heaven happily, always remember that i love you Jimin and your thick head and all.. I'll miss you Jimin. Goodbye.."

Taehyung's POV

"Jiminie.. i'm so sorry if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have done this to yourself, I love you Jiminie and i'm sorry i'm really really sorry.. Jiminie i will miss you like crazy, i wish you are now my Guardian angel because you said that you will always protect me right? I love you Jiminie not only you are the MVP in our school but you are the MVP in my heart.. I love you so much Jiminie, I will always miss you.. goodbye"

Third person's POV

Taehyung walked away and hugged Minah. Taehyung is now crying hard as they lower Jimin on the ground

Yura walked over to Taehyung and hugged him

"Shh... it's okay Taehyung. Jimin is now in a happy place" Yura said as he patted Taehyung's back "I'll miss him so much.. if he didn't leave, you could be my sister in law and we would live happy but--" Taehyung was cut off when Yura spoke "Shh.. it's okay Taehyung, i'll miss Jimin to but sometimes we have to let go of someone we love now don't cry anymore okay?" Taehyung nodded while burried in Yura's shoulder

The coffin is now lowered and the funeral guys are now putting dirt on top of it to burry the coffin

When they finished burrying they all went home and continued there lives..

As for Taehyung sitting on his bed while wearing Jimin's shirt and cologne and hugging the human sized bear that Jimin gave him for valentines day..

Someday i will move on but i will still love you. Taehyung thought as he drifted to sleep while hugging the bear

Namjoon,yoongi,hoseok,jin and Jungkook are playing basketball

But Jin is teaching Jungkook basketball but while teaching him, Jungkook is so nervous at the moment

Yura is with her boyfriend Lay who is crying on lay's Chest

They all thought

I'll miss you Jimin..


Hello *sniff* i was crying while writing this chapter SERIOUSLY sooo the epilogue will be tomorrow and the sequel will be posted next week so keep updated and i love you guys (╥_╥)

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