Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV

"Bye eomma i'm gonna go to my college now" i said as i kissed my mom

"Yes Taehyung always be careful, No boys! Hahaha okay bye Taehyung I love you" yes my mom knows i'm gay hahaha and she accepts me for who i am

"Psh yeah right mom hahaha bye love you too" I said as i walked to my car and put my luggage at the back

Yes i have a car it's a ford focus i got it from my dad as a graduation gift

Well my mom and dad are divorced but my dad still cares for me

I started the engine and drove to my college

I arrived at my school and wow a lot of students are here wandering in the university

I walked to the Directress's office to know my schedule and my dorm

I knocked at the door twice and and let myself in

"Goodmorning ma'am" I greeted with a smile
"Hello umm... what's your name?" The Directress asked
"Kim Taehyung" I answered and smiled
She searched through the records and found my files
"Ah yes Kim Taehyung, Here is your schedule and dorm key" She handed me my things "Your dorm is at the second floor" She smiled "Thank you very much" I said as i let myself out

As i was walking somebody bumped with his shoulder which some of my things dropped to the floor

As i was picking my things up i noticed that Him and his friends are laughing at me. Ignored them and went to my dorm

The dorm was for only two people and i saw that the other bed was occupied so i went upstairs and i guess this will be my room. I settled my things and i heard someone opened the door and went in

I slowly went downstairs to peek and.. It was him the guy who bumped me with his shoulder. I guess he will be my roommate for the past 5 years -_- and i can already tell this will not go well

I peeked a little more and i saw he was sitting on the bed while his pants were down and the bed was shaking.. okay he's doing his buisness while i'm watching okay that is really awkward..

I guess i will just stay up here since classes are until next week and there's wifi here i can live through it

I opened my laptop and played League of Legends for hours..

But then i heard someone coming up in my room but i did'nt mind it. I was just caught up in my game

"So you're my roommate" He said while leaned on the wall lookin all cool and oh my god Hot
"Yes i'm Kim Taehyung but you can call me V" I said i as i help up my hand for a handshake
"Park Jimin you can call me Jimin" He said as he received my handshake and winked

Why the fuck did he wink!?

"U-umm okay" I said as i went to my laptop again

He waved a goodbye and went downstairs

Well that was weird..


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