Chapter 6

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Jimin's POV

As i was walking to the hall to my dorm i could'nt help but to think of Taehyung. Is he really seducing me?

I turned the door knob to our dorm and saw Taehyung again Laying on the couch watchin T.V. with his shorts and his Ughhh~ Legs fuck.

"Jiminie?" Taehyung said "Y-yeah?" I asked "Nothing" And he just smiled cutely and resumed watching T.V

Shit shit shit shit shit what is happening to me!? No! Jimin you likr girls not guys

Shit i need to bang a girl to forget

Taehyung's POV

I can't believe it.. is it working? Oh my gosh..

I went to the kitchen and made dinner. Hey! I'm great cook!

I deep fried some chicken and cooked rice. I setted the table i called out Jimin who is laying on the bed laughing at his phone probably watching something and by something i mean anime. Don't be green

"Jiminie! Dinner!" I called out to him
He just sat on the table with a blank expression. Looks like he's bothered by something. Well i was not in the mood for seducing so i just ate quietly and washed my dishes and went upstairs to finish my homework

Jimin's POV

Am i really getting attracted to him? Why am i feeling this way? Shit!

After i finished eating i washed my dishes and layed on my bed and slept

Next day - Lunch time

Taehyung's POV

Minah is absent today, I don't know why. I guess i'm alone for the wholr day

As i was walking out of the classroom and into the cafeteria i saw Jimin making out with a girl. My heart ached "I thought it was working?" I asked myself well i guess not. I tear escaped my left eye. I wiped it off and proceeded to the cafeteria, Damn i'm so lonely today. Eating here at the table Alone

When suddenly someone sat at the table and it was Seok jin a basketball player and one of Jimin's buddies i see him often with Jimin and their gang

"Hello" He greeted and smiled "Hello Seok jin" I said "You know me?" He asked "Ofcourse i know you, you're in the basketball team and one of Jimin's friends" I explained "Oh well... Hello Taehyung" He greeted again "You know me?" I asked "Yeah Jimin talks about you sometimes" He answered while eating a spoonfull i nodded in response

OMG really? He talks about me? Well that's unexpected..

I finished my lunch and Jin followed me and we talked through the whole day. Well he's pretty okay he was actually nice

It was dismissal time and that means going back to the dorm

I said goodbye to Jin and went inside the dorm

I saw no one maybe Jimin isn't home yet

When put off my coat to the rack beside the door i got suprised

Jimin cornered me to the wall and he was SHIRTLESS!? Omo...

"Hey sexy home early?" He said seductively. I just blushed at the moment and bowed my head to hide my red face

When suddenly a knock was heard that made Jimin stop and put on a shirt while i stood their still frozen

Jimin went outside to talk to someone and a few minutes later i came to my senses and ran upstairs.

I changed my clothes and opened my desktop to play League of Legends

Jimin's POV

Yeah i'll play his game. This will teach you not to mess with Park Jimin haha you'll see...


Omooo!! What is Jimin up to? Hmmm.... any way what did you think about my story? Is lame? Boring? Exciting? Boring? Hahaha whatever..

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