Chapter 12

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up with Jimin still hugging me. I looked at the clock at the side table and it was..

"Shit! 8:45am i'm late!" I jumped out of Jimin's Bed and ran upstairs to get my towel and ran downstairs again and ran to the bathroom and bathed really fast

I got out of the bathroom and i looked at the wall clock it was 8:50am "Shit i cannot be late!" I ran upstairs again and wore my uniform. I ran downstairs once more and saw Jimin standing in the living room scratching his head

"Yah! Jimin i'm gonna be late! Bye!" I ran to the door and turned the door knob but Jimin spoke "Taehyung.." i swiftly turned my head and gave him a what-do-you-want!? Face "It's Saturday" and Jimin laughed HARD. I just went to my room while my head down from embarassment

Jimin's POV

"Ahh... he looks so cute when he's embarassed" when he went upstairs i changed the digital alarm clock to saturday because today is friday hehehehe.. i just want to spend the day with Taehyunggie.. this is the perfect day for a date

I went up to his room and when i went inside his face was sooooo Angry while holding his phone "Why are you--" i was cut off "It's friday" He said in a scary tone "Look i just want to--" I was cut off again "You said it was saturday.." Taehyung said again on a calm scary tone "Taehyung i just want to--" cut off AGAIN "You Asshole!" And he ran to me and starts hitting my chest and started ranting

Taehyung's POV

"Yah Park Jimin! You said it was Saturday!  Argh! I hate you! You useless son of a--" i was cut off when he hugged me. I was trapped in his muscular arms "Taehyung i just want to spend the day with you, you know? I want to ask you for a date with me because i really like you Kim Taehyung..." I was Blank minded and trying to process in my mind what just Jimin said "So can you please go on a date with me Kim Taehyung?" Jimin asked. Okay my heart is beating so fast right now what should i do? Omooo! "Please?" Jimin spoke again. Waaa! Hus voice is so sweet, music to my ears.. "Yes Park Jimin i will.." I agreed. He broke the hug and said "Thank you Taehyunggie~ We will leave in three o'clock okay?" Jimin said and kissed my forehead. I just nodded in response and he went downstairs

I jumped in bed and released all my feels from the moment that Jimin hugged me

I was done releasing my feels and grabbed a soda from my mini fridge beside my bed and opened my laptop to watch anime

I will just get ready later it's just 9:30am i have plenty of time...


I heard a knock from downstairs so i went to the door and opened it
"Is Jimin here?" The girl asked and the girl was the girl from yesterday


Hey guys :( sorry for the slow update.

Anyways my blood tranfusion was a success and i just got home from the hospital :)

I love you guys ♥♥♥

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My facebook is: Rj Niez
My profile pic is i'm wearing a white top and a black bonet :)

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