Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

Hahaha kid can't take it luckily i catched him. I lifted him bridal style and i layed him in the bed

He looks really cute while sleeping..
Yeah i will play his game, game of love. Yeah eventually i have fallen for him but it's just 55% percent. I'm just waiting for him to confess to me and Maybe i will feel the same...

Goodnight Taehyungie
And i kissed his forehead and went to the kitchen and turned off the stove. I went to my bed and slept because i was tired from my session with the girl and i was feeling a little bit not well..

Next morning

Taehyung's POV

I woke up in my bed. Woah good thing i fainted 'cause if that resumed he might have banged me. I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE MY VIRGINITY JUST YET!

I went downstairs and saw Jimin still sleeping aisht! This Jimin

I went to the kitchen to get a box of cereal and milk. I ate my breakfast and washed my bowl and spoon. I went to the Bathroom and took a bath.. When i got out Jimin was still not awake. Tch whatever

I went upstairs and i put on my uniform and fixed my things

I went downstairs and i shoved Jimin "Yah Jimin i'm going to school!" I said and left but he caught my wrist but he was still laying on his bed not looking at me

"Please stay here" He pleaded. What's wrong? He made me sit i  his bed next to him "What's wrong?" And the moment i asked he coughed really bad. I checked his temperature and his forehead was hot "Yah Jimin you got a cold" I explained "Please take care of me" He faced me but his eyes we're still closed "You can take care of yourself i have school" I said and stood up but he held my hand and looked in my eyes. Those innocent looking eyes "Please" He pouted "Fine!" I got caught by the cuteness argh! I picked up a towel and rinsed it with cold water and putted it on his forehead and he just slept. He face looks so angelic while sleeping. Why did you became a playboy Jimin? I quickly went upstairs to get my laptop but when i went downstairs Jimin was standing in the living room looking around

"Yah! Get back to bed!" I yelled at him he walked to me and... hugged me? "Don't leave" He said to me "I won't now get back to bed!" I scolded and he got back to his bed

I placed my laptop at his desk and played League of Legends

After i finished a first game i looked at him and he was sound asleep

Lunch time

I made food and putted the food on the tray along with his medicine and went to Jimin's room and placed the tray at his desk

I woke him up and made him sit up in his bed and placed the tray "Thank you Taehyungie you're the best" He thanked me

I sat on his bed beside him "Hey Jimin can i ask you something? Don't get mad" I said "Okay what is it?" He asked "Umm... why did you became a Playboy?" I asked "Hmm... it's a long story it all started in our house..."


Hahaha yeah the story of his past will be in the next chapter

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In the multimedia section you can see Jimin sleeping haha kyeoptaaaa

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