Chapter 15

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Third person's POV

It has been a week since Taehyung and Jimin were in a relationship and it has been pretty quite well to them.. Until now.

Taehyung's POV

"Yah! Jimin stop i still have homework!" I said while concentrating on my homework whilr Jimin here all shirtless and all "Please Taehyung i can't hold it anymore.. I have been dreaming of you and me doing it you know" He went to my ear and whispered "Just one trip to heaven babe.. it will all be worth it" And he licked the back of my ear. OKAY THAT'S IT!

I stood from my chair and cornered him in the corner "Yeah? Heaven would be nice" i wicked and torridly kissed him

I explored his cavern while my arms on his shoulders to deepen the kiss we made out like there was no tomorrow then he lifted me up "No more kissing babe.. Let's go to heaven" He said as he carried me to my bed and layed me down

He went on top of me and started kissing me again our kiss was full of love and lust at the same time then i felt something poking my thighs

I saw Jimin's erection and harshly grabbed it and ejaculated it while there his clothes were on

He took off my shirt and started licking my nipples "Ahh..." was all i could say

After he was done. He took off his shorts which made his C*ck pop out like Wow it's so big like..

8=======D ⇦ 8 inches

He placed it near my mouth " Suck it babe.." And i opened my mouth and he began thrusting inside my mouth and it felt good and tasty

I got lusty and now i'm on top i went to his D*ck and and spitted on it to make it more slippery

I sucked him like a kid who got his first lollipop. It tasted so good and i tasted i little cum

I bobbed my head and deep throated
him which he liked very much

"Taehyunggie i'm gonna--" And when he said that i stopped and smirked at him "Yah! Why did you stop?! you had me hangin" He pinned me on the bed "I guess you want it fast then" He turned me around and lifted my butt up. He put his fingers inside my mouth "Suck it babe i don't have lube" and i sucked it making it wet. He pulled out his fingers and rubbed it on my butthole...

He rubbed his C*ck on my hole which made me moan a little "Jimin stop teasing" I said "As you wish.." He came in me slowly. Tears started to roll on my cheeks "Taehyung if you can't take it we can stop" Jimin said in concern. I looked at him seductively "Why would we stop? We're just getting to the good part" Jimim smirked "My Taehyunggie really wants it huh?" He thrusted slowly as i try to adjust to his lenth "Ahh... Taehyung you're so tight" He thrusted a little fast

As i finally got to adjust he thrusted fast as in REALLY fast grinding his manhood in me


I turned to him facing me and i saw his face it was really pleasured. I looked at the mirror beside us and saw that i looked like moaning mess

"Ahh... Tahyung i'm gonna--" And he came inside me. Feeling his hot liquid inside me. I feel all warm inside. I closed my eyes but i was suprised when Jimin lifted me up to the corner of the wall

"Yeah we are not finished yet we just arrived in heaven now let's explore" Jimin said as he lifted up my legs and Came in me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist while him groaping my butt cheeks to deepen the thrust

"Ahh... Jimin i love you" I moaned "I love you too Taehyung" And he kissed me while thrusting, but his kiss was not lust at all it was love

And then i felt hot liquid again inside me. I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder

"Jiminie i'm tired.." I whispered. He pulled out his lenth and carried me to my bed and layed beside me while the covers are above us

"Goodnight Taehyunggie" Jimin kissedy forehead and i was laying on his chest while his right arm around me. I felt safe in his arms it's like nothing bad would ever happen as long as i'm with him...

And i drifted to sleep because i was tired


Hahahaha! Yeah i was just kidding with the "The end" bullshit hahaha so how did you like the smut? Hahaha..

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