Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up and my butt feels sore and my body like it can't move an inch. But Jimin is not here...

"Ah Taehyung you're awake.. i bought some eggs and bacon with a glass of Mango juice" Jimin said while carrying the tray of food to me and placed it on my lap

"Wow breakfast in bed, how sweet is my boyfriend" I kissed his lips but he started tongue again "Jiminie stop before something else happens.. we just did it last night" I said and he chuckled

He just watched me eat and when i was done i took the tray and went downstairs. I checked my phone for notifications

5 new messages...

From: Minah the Bitch♥

Hey! Taehyung goodmorning








I Just laughed at her text messages.. but i got a text from an unknown number

From: 096969696969

You will pay...


Who the hell is this? How did he/she get my number? And i don't have anything to pay for! I already paid my dues -_-

Jimin went up in my room

"Jimin somebody texted me" I showed him my phone and he got angry "Who is that? Maybe it's just someone pulling a prank on you" Jimin said. He sat beside me and hugged me "Don't worry Taehyung as long as i'm here no one can hurt you" Jimin said "But what if you're not there?" I questioned "I will never leave your side, i promise" I kissed his lips "Thank you Jiminie, I love you so much" I said "I love you too Taehyunggie" and he kissed my nose

All day we just sat in bed and watched movies in my laptop

When it was time for dinner he ordered a pizza. Typical Teenager dinner

After dinner we went upstairs again and continued watching movies

"See that Taehyung, no matter how people refuse to their love, they didn't care as long as they have each other. I love you so much Taehyunggie" and he kissed my forehead

As the night goes deeper and fell asleep on Jimin's chest

Jimin's POV

Aww.. My Taehyung fell asleep hahaha he is so cute

I closed his laptop and layed comfortably in bed and went to sleep

But after i almost drifted to sleep my phone beeped. I snatched my phone on the side table and i saw a new message

From: Suzy

Jimin can we speak tomorrow at your place? Please just this once..

To: Suzy


I placed my phone back again on the side table and kissed Taehyung's forehead and went to sleep


Hello... sorry for a short update i'm kinda busy

So the next chapter will be a special chapter between suzy and Jimin

Suzy is the one from Miss A just look it up :)

I love you guys so much ♥

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