Chapter 10

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Taehyung's POV

I went out of my dorm because to give them privacy


Shut up! Consciousness! Argh!

Okay! I felt a little heartache when i saw the girl hugged Jimin. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW! VOICE IN MY HEAD!

Yeah whatever..

So now i'm here, sitting on the bench and looking around when i saw the girl running through the corridors crying.. why the hell is she crying?

NEWSFLASH! I don't care..

So i decided to go to milktea store on our school and yes we have stores in here like an ice cream parlor, yoghurt parlor, coffee/baker shop and so one and so forth

I went inside and i saw Jungkook "Hey kookie!" I greeted and sat down on the vacant seat infront of him "Shhh..." He said and staring at something... or someone..

I looked at the direction he was staring at and Saw Seokjin,Namjoon,yoongi and hoseok altogether in a booth at the back of the milktea shop

"Yah kookie, Jin hyung might melt" I joked after that he focused his attention on me "Hey TaeTae how's it goin?" Kookie asked "SUPER great" I said in a sarcastic tone "Hey what happened? What's wrong? He asked at me worrying

"It's just that there was this girl who came to our dorm all of a sudden then he came to Jimin's dorm and started hugging him and all and--" I was cut off "You got jealous?" Kookie said and nodded sadly "Don't worry TaeTae it will get better" Kookie said while smiling which revealed his bunny teeth and hugging his Spongebob stuff toy all cutely hahaha..

I ordered a cookies and cream milktea 'cause cookies and cream are my favorite YUM and went back to the booth Jungkook and i was sitting on, We talked for hours and eventually became bored so we decided to go back to our dorm..

We made our seperate ways and entered our dorms.. when i entered the dorm i first checked Jimin if he was doing okay.. i opened the door and looked and he was sleeping. Aww he looks so angelic and peacefull... i went out and checked the time it was 7:30pm. Ohh... Almost time for breakfast

I went to thr kitchen and cooked some rice and fried some chicken

Jimin's POV

Ooh... i smell chicken..

I got out of my bed and followed the scent of the sweet and sovory smell of the chicken. I saw Taehyung cooking in the kitchen

Well it's now or never..

I walked to him and hugged him from the back and i felt that he was suprised

"Taehyung I--"


Sorry for not updating... I got a nasty fever and let me tell you it did not went well.. up until now i have a high fever but i remembered you guys so i updated even though i have a high fever hahaha... hope you like this chapter~

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Love you all! Wish me luck on my check up tomorrow..

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