Chapter 9

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Jimin's POV

"I was fourteen years old when it happened"


I saw Mom and Dad fighting and my mom is filling her suitcase with clothes

Mom left and hugged me and my sister Sojin, She left me,my older sister and Dad

Few weeks later Dad always come home drunk and has a lot of hooker with him

One night he was so drunk he woke me up and he forced me to have sex with one of his hookers, My sister tried to pull me out of dad's grip but my sister failed when my dad slapped her

Dad dragged me to his room with his hookers and one hooker came on me and gave me a blowjob it was my first time doing that later on it was everynight i fucked a hooker

What i hated the most is he forced me to fuck my own sister if i didn't do it he would kill us both

"Noona ahh.. i'm sorry.. ah!" I said while pumping in her
"It's okay Jimin.. ugh~ ahh!! Everything will be okay" She said and she cried

After that we reported at the police and got my dad arrested and mom welcomed us in her new home, our new home

Flashback end..

"But i didn't stop there i got addicted to sex that everyday i banged a girl even guys who longed for my Dick until now" I said

Then suddenly Taehyung hugged me and it felt warm and comforting and felt right

I hugged him back and he said something "Jimin i-l-like--" he was cut off when somebody knocked at the door

He seperated from the hug and went out of the room is sighed in thought that he was gonna confess

Suddenly Taehyung opened the door with a blank expression "Jimin there's someone here to see you" Taehyung stepped aside and a girl came in the room and hugged me "Chim chim missed you so much" She murmured "I missed you too Suzy" i said to My Ex girlfriend "I love you Jimin please i love you so much i'm so stupid that i left without a goodbye please" She said while crying "You love me back right?" She asked while sobbing. I was staring at Taehyung and he looked sad and closed the door. I got out of suzy's hug and said "No i don't. You left me suzy without even telling me, it hurt me a lot suzy and now you came here and your saying that you love me? Bullshit, Ugh Suzy just, Just leave" She looked at me with a suprised expression. She knelt down and hugged my legs "Please Jimin! I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt you! Please Jimin! I love you! I really do please Jimin forgive me!" She begged "No sorry suzy you can't change my mind anymore you hurted me too much and i fell inlove with somebody else i don't love you anymore, it's better if you just leave right now" I said coldly she stood up and ran outside crying. Aisht that girl

"Taehyung~?" I called out "Taehyung~?" I called out again "Taehyung~!?!?!" I screamed but still no answer did he leave?

I went outside my room and no one was there. I checked upstairs in his room but no one was their

I went in my bed again and waited for Taehyung to come back and confess my love for him

I love you Taehyung..

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